
Version 3.50

Simple lightweight plugin that allow you to give your VIP's extra perks/buffs. Don't know a whole lot when it comes to java so sorry if something does not work right.

The ability to give VIPs (Or anyone for that mater) access to commands that give them Perks/Buffs (so far).
So far there are 10 options in this plugin; Speed, Jump, Strength, Air, Fire resistance, Dig, Damage resistance, Regeneration, Invisibility and Night Vision.
Choosing one of this will give you a buff at a factor of X for X minutes (Seconds for Regen). You are able to set cooldowns between commands.
When you use a perk flames + smoke + Lighting + Dragon Growl a few more effects appear where you stand. You can turn these off in 3.00

X = Configured amount.

  • Speed: Increase your speed by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • Jump: Increase your jump height by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • Strength: Increase your strength by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • Air: Increase your lung capacity whilst under water by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • Fire: Increase your resistance to fire by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • Dig: Increase your digging speed by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • Damage: Increase your resistance to damage by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • Regeneration: Increase your regeneration by a factor of X for X seconds.
  • Invisibility: Renders the user Invisible for X minutes.
  • Night Vision: Allows the users to see in the night for X minutes.

Tested and built on 1.5.2. Uses JAVA 7

OP's have access by default.

  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.* :Give all the commands.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipspd :Give just the Speed command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipstr :Give just the Strength command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipjmp :Give just the Jump command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipair :Give just the Air command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipfir :Give just the Fire resistance command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipdig :Give just the Dig command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipris :Give just the Damage resistance command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipreg :Give just the Regeneration command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipinv :Give just the Invisibility command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipngt :Give just the Night Vision command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.viprem :Give just the Remove all effects command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.vipinfo :Give just the Info command.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.reload :Gives the permission to reload the config file.
  • permission: SimpleVIPPerks.list :Gives the permission to view the buff list.

X = Configured amount.

  • /help simplevipperks :Displays a list of the commands.
  • /vipspd :Increase your speed by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • /vipstr :Increase your strength by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • /vipjmp :Increase your jump height by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • /vipair Increase your lung capacity whilst under water by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • /vipfir :Increase your resistance to fire by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • /vipdig :Increase your digging speed by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • /vipris :Increase your resistance to damage by a factor of X for X minutes.
  • /vipreg :Increase health regeneration by a factor of X for X seconds.
  • /viprinv: Renders the user Invisible for X minutes.
  • /vipngt :Allows the users to see in the night for X minutes.
  • /viprem :Removes all effects currently on you. (no cooldown)
  • /vipinfo :Displays info about the plugin (no cooldown)
  • /vipreload :Reloads the config file (no cooldown) (Can be done via the console)
  • /vipreload :Views the list of buffs (no cooldown) (Screenshot below)

Config File:

# All times are minutes BESIDES RegTime, that is in seconds.
# Effects option is Dragon sound, Lighting ect when using a Perk.
  GlobalCooldown: 5
  Effects: true
  SpeedAmmount: 1
  SpeedTime: 1
  JumpAmmount: 1 
  JumpTime: 1
  StrengthAmmount: 1 
  StrengthTime: 1
  AirAmmount: 1 
  AirTime: 1 
  FireAmmount: 1 
  FireTime: 1 
  DigAmmount: 1
  DigTime: 1 
  RisAmmount: 1 
  RisTime: 1 
  RegAmmount: 1 
  RegTime: 15 
  InvTime: 1 
  NgtTime: 1

GlobalCooldown is the amount of time (In minutes) before that player can use another SimpleVIPPerk command (Excluding, remove effect(s) command and info command). So if it was set at 5 the player would have to wait 5 minutes before using the commands again.

Custom Messages:
Custom Messages can use the MC formating codes located here:
If you are going to use a formatting code make sure the message is wrapped in ' '.
'&3Hello' Would work.
&3Hello Would not.

Allow Seconds or Minutes for cooldown Requested: guidoowner
Allow the messages to be changed. Done
More Buffs and Effects Doneish
More Options such as setting Time and the Factor. Done
Reload Config Command. Done



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 21, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 24, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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