
With Simple Timed Rank PRO you are able to promote and demote players to a given time.
The player will get automatially demoted on the date/time you have set with the player join or the interval methods.
Its focused on PermissionsEx but it is also compatible with other permission plugins likeEssentialsGroupManager, bPermissions and so on.


  • Simply promote a player to the rank you want until the time you have set.
    • This is very useful for server admins which want to promote players that have donated to a higher rank for the date/time you want (For example: 1 Month).
  • You can set the messages the player will receive and you can use color codes.
  • You can set up the promote and demote commands you want to use.
  • Promote/Demote players who are not online.
  • Case sensitive to player names. (E.g. bodyash is NOT the same as Bodyah)
  • 2 methods to check player: onJoin or check all online players with interval
  • Pro Version with MYSQL support:

Commands and Permissions

  • -
    • Description: Displays the help dialog.
    • Usage: /strp help
    • Note: This would only show you the commands you have permissions for.

User friendly:

  • - simpletimedrank.timeLeft
    • Description: Shows the remaining time until the rank will expire.
    • Usage: /timeleft
    • Aliases: [daysLeft, dayLeft]


  • - simpletimedrank.timeLeft.others
    • Description: Shows the remaining time of the given [Player] until the rank will expire.
    • Usage: /timeleft [PlayerName]
    • Aliases: [daysLeft, dayLeft]
  • - simpletimedrank.reload
    • Description: Reloads the whole plugin.
    • Usage: /sp reload


  • - simpletimedrank.tempRank
    • Description: Promotes a specified player until a given date/time.
    • Usage: /temprank [PlayerName] [NewRank] [DaysOrMonths] (timeOfDay) [OldRank]
    • Aliases: [upRank]
    • Note: The names are CASE SENSITIVE!! This means: Daniel is not the same as daniel!
  • - simpletimedrank.downRank
    • Description: Demotes a Player to his old rank and sets the promotion stats to "expired".
    • Usage: /downrank [PlayerName]


/temprank [PlayerName] [NewRank] [Days or monthses] <Time> [OldRank]

[Days or monthses] must be or 30d, 54d, 365d (number + d) or 1m, 2m, 12m, etc (number + m)

U cant use monthes and days together (like 2m 15d)

<Time> must be in 24h format (for example - 17:09)

Example TempRank Usage:

/temprank NickName NewRank 30d OldRank
- player will be promoted to NewRank unntil CURRENT DATE + 30 DAYS.
/temprank NickName NewRank 2m OldRank - player will be promoted to NewRank unntil CURRENT DATE + 60 DAYS.
/temprank NickName NewRank 0d 4:20 OldRank - player will be promoted to NewRank unntil CURRENT DAY. The promote will expire at 4:20. (24h day format)
/temprank NickName NewRank 1d 4:20 OldRank - player will be promoted to NewRank unntil CURRENT DATE + 1 DAY. The promote will expire at 4:20. (24h day format)

d - days
m - month (1 month = 30 days)


- All bugs is fixed at the moment


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