Per group spawn please #4

  • Replied
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser9059019
  • _ForgeUser8017591 created this issue Apr 28, 2012

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Can we have per-group spawns? /setspawn <groupname>

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • _ForgeUser8017591 added the tags New Enhancment Apr 28, 2012
  • _ForgeUser9059019 posted a comment Aug 9, 2012

    Can you explain more what you mean by "group"? Permission groups? So that e.g. builders will spawn differently than admins, users?

  • _ForgeUser9059019 removed a tag New Aug 9, 2012
  • _ForgeUser9059019 added a tag Waiting Aug 9, 2012
  • _ForgeUser9059019 unassigned issue from Forge_User_38717200 Aug 9, 2012
  • _ForgeUser9059019 self-assigned this issue Aug 9, 2012
  • leponder posted a comment Nov 8, 2012

    Yeah I think he means by permission group, I like this idea. Been looking for mod where I can adjust the initial spawn of players who join server for first time to put them in a 'starter' area'. This mod seems nice, but no way to set that, could with this group command though.

    I guess if there was a bunch of groups and you set the regular spawn and only one group with a specific spawn, the other groups would just default to the regular spawn

  • leponder removed a tag Waiting Nov 8, 2012
  • leponder added a tag Replied Nov 8, 2012
  • Forge_User_38717200 posted a comment Nov 8, 2012

    @leponder: Go

    You CAN set the initial spawn for new players using "/setspawn *default" but that doesn't link to any groups.

    Linking to groups would be tricky, and would likely require something like Vault to regulate the group setup for all permission plugins. I wanted to avoid using Vault on this plugin... but I will give it some thought. (I'm sure dh1jc will too :) )

  • _ForgeUser9059019 posted a comment Nov 8, 2012

    @ellbristow: Go

    I already thought about that several times, and came up with a simple setup.

    One of the easy ways of doing this is to add a permission to the groups (I think I saw that for some chat plugins), like e.g. [as there is no player.getGroup() or something]




    Possible commands for setting and using group spawns could be the asterix at the beginning:

      /setspawn *builder
      /spawn *builder
      /setspawn *admin
      /spawn *admin

    Additional permission would be (defaults to OP) true|false true|false

    The *default is then maybe conflicting with the real "default" group... so we should be able to set a "metagroup" (some unused group) for new players in the config.yml.

    Something like:

      metagroup_for_new_players:  noWhere

    Which then means you will end up with /setspawn *noWhere for the new users. NOTE: When upgrading you have to set the initial spawn for this new virtual group yourself... BUT I will add a check, and a logoutput if the new user spawn is unset.

    Hm, as I wrote this down now, it sounds much simpler then actually thought. So it's feasible, doable... expect a beta (maybe after the upcoming weekend)

    What do you think?

    Add: It's better to use a "unnamed" group /setspawn * for new players.

    Edited Nov 15, 2012
  • drtshock posted a comment Nov 16, 2012

    I would like this idea.

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