Simple KitPvP
This is a professional kitpvp plugin, but it is also very simple. There are many kits to choose from including donator kits. This plugin essential for any KitPvP server as it is very fun to use and play.
WARNING Temporarily Buycraft is not working when it comes to adding the Donor kit permissions to a user, until I release a fix, simply create a rank with those permissions and set that user to that rank in order to allow them to use it. Apologies for any inconveniences.
- Kit signs
- Donator kits
- Member kits
- InstaSoup
- NoHunger
- Admin tools
- NoDrop (Stops people from dropping items out of their inventory)
- No items on death (When players die their kits do not drop)
- Swordsman
- Archer
- Pyro
- Tank
- Ninja
- Snowman
Donator kits
- Ender
- Legacy
- DemiGod
NOTE: If you have a server with multiple things I suggest that you only give the perms in the KitPvP or you could use this plugin to enable it in a certain world although that option takes up more resources then necessary. This is until I finish coding the arenas setup.
Commands & Permissions
/swordsman - Gives you the Swordsman kit. permission: simplekitpvp.kit.swordsman
/archer - Gives you the Archer kit. permission: simplekitpvp.kit.archer
/pyro - Gives you the Pyro kit. permission: simplekitpvp.kit.pyro
/tank - Gives you Tank kit. permission: simplekitpvp.kit.tank
/ninja - Gives you the Ninja kit. permission:
/ninja - Gives you the Ninja kit. permission:
/snowman - Gives you the Snowman kit. permission: simplekitpvp.kit.snowman
/legacy - Gives you the Legacy kit. permission: simplekitpvp.kit.legacy
/demigod - Gives you the Demigods kit. permission: simplekitpvp.kit.demigod
/resetkit <player> - Removes a players kit. permission: simplekitpvp.resetkit
/kits - Displays your currently available kits. permission: simplekitpvp.kits
Other Permissions
InstaSoup - simplekitpvp.soup
Makes soup restore HP not hunger, and does it instantaneously.
Hunger Disabled - simplekitpvp.nohunger
Disables hunger for that group.
NoDrop - simplekitpvp.nodrop
If you have drop parties, don't at this to that group that hosts them. This is designed to stop uses from getting one kit, dropping it on the floor ==== and getting a second, thus' making a over powered kit. Set this for the normal players, not so much staff like Admins.
Member Inventory Kit - simplekitpvp.inv.member
Gives you coal when you either join the game or die and respawn, when clicked shows and allows you to use any member kit.
Donator Inventory Kit - simplekitpvp.inv.donator
Gives you a gold ingot when you either join the game or die and respawn, when clicked shows and allows you to use any donator kit.
Creating a kit sign - simplekitpvp.sign.create
Allows you to create a kit sign.
Using a kit sign - simplekitpvp.sign.use
Allows you to use a kit sign.
Just drag and drop it into your plugins folder and reload/restart your bukkit server.
How to create a kit sign?
Place a sign, on the top row type in "[KitPvP], and on the second type in which kit you would like to make a sign for.
The inventoryGUI is a new feature which I think makes this plugin stand out from others as you can either use signs, commands or even the inventory.
ATTENTION I have not had time to update the plugin, however it should be compatible with 1.8. I have been very very busy lately and have just not had time. My studies and other commitments come first. I did finish customisable kits, yes; however it left a gaping hole which needs filling. It's not that I don't care, it's that I have had a lot going on in my life. I will come back to it when I can in the mean time if you would like to stay updated with me, please follow me on twitter @HuddledEagle .
Servers using this plugin (Comment below to get yours here)
Spadecraft Network
Vex PvP
do you finished the customized kits` part?
@SkimbaHD Hey, sorry I am currently in China and have not been able to reply. I did see your comment however but this is chewing threw my overseas data. You need to remove the permissions simplekitpvp.inv.member simplekitpvp.inv.donator
People will still have their old ingots and gold but it will not work, they will also lose it when they die or any way they get rid of it or you remove it, it will not respawn.
... ......
Hey! I am Seals2000. I have a question and I really need you to help me. I need to not get the KIT ITEMS in the inventory (the gold and the coal). Can someone tell me how to remove them/ give me the plugin without them? URGENT!
If people can use the kits in other worlds, you have to install PerWorldPlugin and block the SimpleKitPvP in the world that you don't want they have kits.
how do u make a kit
You have to give them perms with a permissions plugin like pex or group manager.
pls help i don't understand how to allow members that not OP to take the kits cuse now only i can... pls help
Try Multiverse inventories plugin if you haven't.
it also doesn't make a folder
Hi I am Willydon And i Have A Question!
My Question is when they chose a kit they can take THE KIT to another world like survival
How do i fix this
My server is using it. ip:
name: CraftStar
Please add mine! its Motivating PvP IP:
I have my own kits so how could I use them instead?
My Server is using it
description: Minigames and tons of Things
[Announcement] Donate and buy ranks to help the server to be 24/7
It's a good plugin but could you make it more tweakable? So you can add your own Kits to the game?
You need to add simplekitpvp.nodrop to the groups permissions.
Help me ! After player death items not droping from player
how do players who are not admin get kits?
By the way, great plugin!
My server uses this:
misterslime {me}