SimpleItemPermissions version 3.0
SimpleItemPermissions is a Basic but powerful Plugin that allows Server owners to Control what players can Craft, what Weapons/Tools users can deal damage with, what block a player can place or destroy and much more
This plugin is great for all types Server but is aimed at RPG Servers allowing Owners to create custom classes Via Permissions
full control of Armour, Tools, Weapons, Blocks with permission nodes.
Note: if you do not have Vault the plugin will disable itself
- Drop the .jar into your plugin folder.
- Edit your permissions plugin with the permission nodes below.
- Restart your Server to enable the plugin
- Profit!
When Changing Values in the config you need to shut down your server then edit the Config then Start the Server again for them to take effect.
Light Version's:
Only want to use some Features of this plugin ? why don't you choose a light Version of what you need to-do.
These are coming soon!
- Block Control: View Here
- Weapon Control: View Here
- Armour Control: Version 1.0 Available Here
Allow Owners to change the colors of warnings Add the commands /help <allowing you to get helpful hints> Add the commands /sip list <gives you a list of the items you are allowed to use>
Suggest something !
- Item Permissions:
- SIP.Pick.Wood
- SIP.Pick.Stone
- SIP.Pick.Iron
- SIP.Pick.Gold
- SIP.Pick.Diamond
- SIP.Axe.Wood
- SIP.Axe.Stone
- SIP.Axe.Iron
- SIP.Axe.Gold
- SIP.Axe.Diamond
- SIP.Spade.Wood
- SIP.Spade.Stone
- SIP.Spade.Iron
- SIP.Spade.Gold
- SIP.Spade.Diamond
- SIP.Hoe.Wood
- SIP.Hoe.Stone
- SIP.Hoe.Iron
- SIP.Hoe.Gold
- SIP.Hoe.Diamond
- SIP.Sword.Wood
- SIP.Sword.Stone
- SIP.Sword.Iron
- SIP.Sword.Gold
- SIP.Sword.Diamond
- Armour Permissions:
- SIP. Armour.Leather
- SIP. Armour.Iron
- SIP. Armour.Gold
- SIP. Armour.Chainmail
- SIP. Armour.Diamond
- Damage Permissions:
- SIP.Damage.* - Users can deal damage with anything
- SIP.Damage.Fist - Users can deal damage with there Fists
- SIP.Damage.Sword - Users can deal damage with Any Sword (See item permissions for Controlling the each sword)
- SIP.Damage.Pick - User can deal damage with any pick
- SIP.Damage.Axe - User can deal damage with any Axe
- SIP.Damage.Shovel - User can deal damage with any shovel (spade)
- Misc Permissions:
- SIP.Misc.Brewing - User can use a brewing Stand
- SIP.Misc.Enchanting - User can use a Enchanting Table
- SIP.Misc.Bow - User can use a Bow
- SIP.Misc.Breeding - User can use wheat to Breed
- SIP.Misc.FishingRod - User can use a Fishing Rod
- SIP.Misc.LavaBucket - User can use a lava Bucket
- SIP.Misc.WaterBucket - User can user a water Bucket
- Block Permissions:
- If Control Block is true in config you need to add these Permissions, You need to Replace ItemID with the ItemID you want to allow.
- You can view the item IDs Here
- SIP.Break.ItemID - Allows the User to Break the item you have chosen
- SIP.Place.ItemID - Allows the User to Place the item you have chosen
- Crafting Permissions:
- If Control Craft is true in config you need to add these Permissions, You need to Replace ItemID with the ItemID you want to allow.
- You can view the item IDs Here
- SIP.Craft.ItemID - Allows the User to Craft the item you have chosen
- ==== Version 2.2 ====
- Added option to control armour checks
- Added Brewing checks
- Added Enchanting checks
- Fixed Crafting message not displaying correctly
- ==== Version 2.1 ====
- Updated to R4.0
- Fixed the Issue with The Config not been created
- See the main post for most things
- Bug Fixes
- ==== Version 2.0.2 ====
- Add permissions for Water & Lava Buckets, See the Misc Permissions
- Changed how the Config is Created
- Bug Fixes
- ==== Version 2.0.1 ====
- Updated for 1.2.5- R1.3
- Bug Fixes
- ==== Version 2.0 ====
- Total Re-Write of Code Fixing a lot of bugs please view the Description for more details
- ==== Version 1.2.1 ====
- FIXED SuperPerms Support. (i think)
- REMOVED Color to warnings Will re-add them soon!
- Added Perms for Shears <simpleitem.shears>
- Added Perms for FishingRods <simpleitem.fishingrods>
- Added Perms for Wheat <simpleitem.wheat> (added this for 1.9 to control breading)
- Created a Message config so you can easy edit messages.
- ==== Version 1.2 ====
- Added SuperPerms Support
- Added Color to warnings/Will make them customizable soon!
- Added Perms for Chainmail <simpleitem.armor.chain>
- Added Perms for all Damage <simpleitem.dmg.*>
- ==== Version 1.1 ====
- Mainly Bugfixes
- Fixed spelling in permissions nodes
- ==== Version 1.0 ====
- First Release!
Any chances to have nbt-support?
Since this plugin has apparently gone AFK (in a sense) I invite any players who are looking for alternatives to check this one out:
Nvm. I wrote my own plugin to do this. Thanks for not responding... :/
And another thing, - SIP.damage.Sword.Iron doesn't seem to be working. I only want players to be able to damage with Iron Swords but it still says "You can not damage with that item"
How can I specify block metadata ids? For instance if I only want players to be able to break oak wood and not birch wood?
why does SIP.Break.* not work? you need to have this work or allow some sort of bypass for admins its rediculous that it doesnt work.
or at the very very very least allow op to bypass jeez
How about adding what people can damage rather then just what they can use to deal damage? so for instance SIP.canDamage.sheep would allow the ability to harm a sheep.
also if you block fist can you have that auto block all other block types? id like to block fists but then if they hold a dirt or a cobble they can punch the same.
Are there any similar plugins?
Please update
Any word on updating to 1.5?
please update! :)
Is it a plugin on my server, or is the plugin outdated? Restricting armor doesn't seem to work.. the 'message' appears, but the armor protection stays while dropping the item :/.
Breeding doesn't work
SIP.Break.* doesn't work in GroupManagers for me. Does anyone knows why?
I can now also shift click to craft any item I like, I will still get the can't craft message, but I'll go down in my inventory still.
One more thing Fix the swords permissions... like this - Sip.Damage.Sword.Iron
something like this...
please fix the armour bug SHIFT+LEFT MOUSE and you bypassed armour permissions...
SHIFT + Left Mouse Big Bad Bug :(
Is it possible to add a permission for furnaces? Loving the brewing and enchanting ones, but a furnace would top it :D