Are you always teleporting that player, turning off the weather, or doing some other mundane task all the time? Are your players always forgetting commands for plugins that get used all the time? Well, with SimpleCommandSigns it is no more! Just install the plugin in your plugins directory, set up the simple config file located in the folder plugins/SimpleCommandSigns and you are ready to go! To use just right click a sign!
- Commandless!
- Easy to use!
- Integrates with LWC to lock those signs
- Executes as the player that hits the sign
- Configurable
- Add the player's name to the command using the %p parameter anywhere in the command. (Example "/say %p Just rang Tux2's doorbell." would output the message: "Player just rang Tux2's doorbell.")
- Permissions (Permissions 2.x, 3.x, and Bukkit SuperPerms support)
- Will not run away and join the sponge rebellion
How to Create a Sign
- On the top line put: "[SCS]" or the custom one defined in your config file
- On the other 3 lines put the command
- If the creation is successful the top line will turn green
- Right click the sign to run the command
- scsigns.create - the ability to create a command sign
- scsigns.use - the ablilty to use a command sign
- scsigns.autolock - have LWC autolock the sign
Need more functionality? Look no further: HiddenCommandSigns, RedstoneCommandSigns
I always get "unknown command" whenever i try to rightclick the sign...
neither of both works...
SimpleCommandsSigns is already as we think it should be. It's "simple".
As you can see, we have separate plugins (HiddenCommandSigns and RedstoneCommandSigns) which add extra functionality to SimpleCommandSigns.
Make sure you know how to use Git. You'll want to use Google to figure out how to import files into your Eclipse workspace.
But I want to work together? And how do I import your project to eclipse?
You can just implement them yourself. Submit a merge request with your code additions and we'll review whether or not we want it in this plugin.
Ok! Do you have skype? I got some cool ideas to make the plugin better! My skype is: meesvdw
There's the code, but as far as I know, the plugin isn't broken and doesn't need an update.
Hi! Can I get the code so I can update it to 1.6.2? Bye
You mean like the plugin already has? O.o
What if you added a custom prefix that the plugin would search for in the config? Just a suggestion.
Ohhh, kay.
Not really :/
The prefix is how the plugin identifies that it is a command sign.
Is there anyway to use SCS without the prefix on line 1?
HiddenCommandSigns can do that.
Can i hide the command that shows up on the second line?
PermissionsEx, bPermissions, GroupManager, and most others
wat permission plugin does this plugin support
Make sure you either put a space at the end of the second line or the beginning of the third line.
I'm with troubles. Sorry for my english, I'm brazilian. So... When I make the sign, the command just works if I set it on the second line. If not, doesn't work.
Example: - First line: [SCS] - Second line: /time day < ok, It's works.
Example 2: - Fist line: [SCS] - Second line: /time - Third line: day < It doesn't work.
I don't know if you'll understand, but it's that. That means I cannot put long commands on the sign. :/
HiddenCommandSigns should be able to handle multiple commands.
can you put more than one command to each sign? I need this so I can make a shop on my server so the player will get the item and pay up. if not, this is probably weird for you but can you suggest a plugin for making a shop? thank you.