Important Note
I discontinued this plugin. If anyone would like to work on it, please fork the GitHub repository.
The plugin however still works properly, if you use the declared Minecraft versions.
SimpleBroadcast is a plugin which automatically sends defined messages to the chat.
- Automatically timed messages are sent in a defined delay.
- Easily enable or disable this plugin via in-game or console commands
- Simple and easy to setup
- Colour support!
- Supports &k, &l, &m, ...
- Supports links
- Optional permissions
- Editable prefix and suffix
- Option to check if an update is available
- Option to hide the messages in the console
- Supports commands (when the messages starts wit a "/")
- Supports JSON messages
- Ignoring system.
- Bossbar integration
- /simplebroadcast - Shows you infos about the plugin.
- /simplebroadcast start - Starts the broadcast messages.
- /simplebroadcast stop - Stops the broadcast messages.
- /simplebroadcast reload - Reloads the config.
- /simplebroadcast bossbar start - Starts the boss bar broadcast.
- /simplebroadcast bossbar stop - Stops the boss bar broadcast.
- /simplebroadcast bossbar list - Shows all boss bar messages.
- /simplebroadcast bossbar next - Skips the following message in the queue.
- /simplebroadcast bossbar help - Shows the boss bar help pages.
- /simplebroadcast list - Shows you all messages.
- /simplebroadcast now <number> - Immediately broadcasts the given message.
- /simplebroadcast next - Skips the following message in the queue.
- /simplebroadcast add <msg> - Adds the entered message to the list.
- /simplebroadcast remove <number> - Removes the given message from the list.
- /simplebroadcast broadcast <msg> - Broadcasts the message which you've entered.
- /simplebroadcast raw <msg> - Broadcasts the message without formatting.
- /simplebroadcast ignore <name> - Adds/removes a player from the ignore list.
- /simplebroadcast update - Toggles the update check function.
- /simplebroadcast help (1-2) - Shows you all available commands.
- /sb <command> - Alias for "/simplebroadcast".
If you aren't an operator or you want that another player can use the commands, you have to use the following permissions:
/simplebroadcast -> - /simplebroadcast start -> - simplebroadcast.start /simplebroadcast stop -> - simplebroadcast.stop /simplebroadcast reload -> - simplebroadcast.reload /simplebroadcast bossbar start -> - simplebroadcast.bossbar.start /simplebroadcast bossbar stop -> - simplebroadcast.bossbar.stop /simplebroadcast bossbar list -> - simplebroadcast.bossbar.list /simplebroadcast bossbar next -> - /simplebroadcast bossbar help -> - /simplebroadcast list -> - simplebroadcast.list /simplebroadcast now -> - /simplebroadcast next -> - /simplebroadcast add -> - simplebroadcast.add /simplebroadcast remove -> - simplebroadcast.remove /simplebroadcast broadcast -> - simplebroadcast.broadcast /simplebroadcast raw -> - simplebroadcast.broadcast /simplebroadcast ignore -> - simplebroadcast.ignore /simplebroadcast update -> - simplebroadcast.update.toggle /simplebroadcast help-> - - simplebroadcast.update -> You can see the ingame update info if an update is available. - simplebroadcast.* -> Give access to all commands.
Configuration/How to get started with SimpleBroadcast
At first you have to put the SimpleBroadcast.jar into your plugins folder. After a reload / a reboot a folder called "SimpleBroadcast" has been created automatically. In this folder there is the "config.yml". In this file, you can define which messages should be send to the chat, in which delay they should be broadcasted, if the plugin shall check for updates, ...
- Add messages with permissions.
Add boss bar integration.(-> added in version 1.7)
Add a live broadcast command.(-> added in version 1.5)
Add %n support.(-> added in version 1.4)
Add suffix.(-> added in version 1.3)
Fix prefix.(-> fixed in version 1.3)
Add alias for /simplebroadcast(-> added in version 1.1)
Add more commands.(-> added in version 1.1)
Add message randomizer.(-> added in version 1.0)
Add PluginMetrics.(-> added in version 1.0)
Add updatecheck function.(-> added in version 1.0)
Add editable interval when the messages are broadcasted.(-> added in version 1.0)
Add permissions.(-> added in version 0.4)
Add editable prefix.(-> added in version 0.3)
I Am Currently Using BarAPI Version: 3.3
On Cauldron-MCPC-Plus version KCauldron-1.7.10-2.1403.1.54 (MC: 1.7.10) (Implementing API version 1.7.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
Which version of BarAPi are you currently using?
I Get This Everytime i try to do a BossBar Message Before you ask, yes i have BarApi, and the only command i can do ingame related to bossbar is /sb bossbar start or Stop Nothing more, Besides that great Plugin but i need this Fixed any Solution???
Part of Console When Using BossBar: Cauldron
Please create a ticket ( and attach your "config.yml" there so that I'm able to help you. :)
Hey i need help im 100% sure everything in the config is setup properly, but it doesnt broadcast what i ask it to, instead, it will say the original messages that come with the server
I was able to locate the error and uploaded the hotfix v1.9.2.
Hey, The latest update 1.9.1 broke the broadcasting The plugin kept saying the first thing on the list in the config - so I reinstalled the older version.
- Rsl, owner of The Lodge
The project is also available on - yes. But it's currently not the main page of the project. It would be great if you could create a ticket and provide your latest.log, server version (maybe even the Spigot build) and your config (as an attachment on pastebin) to be able to have a detailed look into your problem.
I don't really use bukkit, is this project on Spigot aswell?
Do you want me to create a ticket or could you take a note of my comment?
I honestly have to say that I've overlooked your comment here. Tickets should normally get created on GitHub (see "Ticket" button right next to the "Download" button) where I'm able to get a better overview.
It's actually a message on 30 september i posted here. Is there another place to mention them then? :P
Could you please send me the link to the issue you created? I'm currently unable to find it.
Well, my issues i mentioned are not fixed.
Json messages still do not have a number within /sb list:
When using /sb now 1 on a json message it will spam the chat:
And all other issues i mentioned are, well, still not fixed.
All bugs of v1.9 got fixed in v1.9.1 which is available since this morning. :)
I really hope you can fix these issues soon then :/
@KingDome24 I made a plugin tutorial on YouTube for your plugin. PM me if you want more info! :D
This will be possible in v2.0. :)
I'm sorry that I've been unable to answer your issue. I will have a look into it as soon as possible. Jenkins isn't available since a few months due to server side issues. This will get fixed with the release of v2.0.
No reply on my issue and jenkins seems to be down?
Is there an permission that remove de broadcast thing by groups with that permission? Config Example: If rank starter not have simplebroadcast.broadcast And rank User have that permsission he will get the broadcast. If there is not an option like this can you add this? Thx
I'm trying to use json messages but it seems to have a bit of problems still.
1) Within /sb list it's not showing a number:
2) Using /sb now 1 gives me this for a total of 3 times:
3) When using Json messages, the prefix seems not to be working.
So i added it within the text:
"&a[VillagerCraft] &7Up-to-date blijven over de server? Check de &7website! Laatste update - &c29 september"
4) Also as you see, i had to use double &7 as somehow everything after the word ''de'' was white instead of gray. It seems that text on a second line will get white. But for every player depending on screensize this will be different so i can actually only be sure to fix this for myself.