Simple Sit
Simple Sit is a plugin that adds a sitting feature into Minecraft. By default anyone who joins a servers with this plugin installed has the ability to sit by using the /sit command. Simple Sit should work with every permissions plugin out there.
- Made Simple Sit simpler
- Removed Lay feature and check for updates. Read more
Command Info
- Commands: /sit
- Permissions: simplesit.sit
- sitPermissionDefault: This sets who gets the permission to sit by default or at all use false if you don't want anyone to be able to sit by * default, use true if you want everyone to be able to sit, use op if you only want operators/admins to be able to sit and use not_op if you want everyone but operators/admins to be able to sit.
- sitDown: This is the message that is sent to players when they use the /sit command. To color it, use &(COLOR ID).
- sitFail: This message is sent to the player when they try to sit in the air. To color it, use &(COLOR ID).
- sitUp: This message is sent to players when they are no longer sitting. To color it, use &(COLOR ID).
- Simple Sit 1.7 and above is compatible works with Spigot/Bukkit versions 1.8.8 through 1.19.2
- Simple Sit 1.6.4 contains the lay feature, and only works with Minecraft versions 1.8.8 through 1.12.
- Simple Sit 1.4.3 is only compatible with it's specified Minecraft version
- Simple Sit 1.4 - 1.4.2 works with any Bukkit/Spigot 1.9 version.
- Simple Sit 1.3.5 and below only works with Bukkit/Spigot 1.8 versions
- Tested with Java 8 and higher
- Simple Sit is INCOMPATIBLE with MorePlayerModels due to a command conflict
Affiliates & Partners
Check out the API here! or click here to learn how to setup the API!
Please Note
I would like everyone to please note this plugin is intended for private servers, role-play servers, build server and basically non pvp/faction servers, it will work on pvp/faction servers, but maybe not as intended!
Yea, that sounds very cool and possible but, the /dance and /lay are going to be the hardest maybe not so much the /lay but, mostly /dance. Unless I make it so your player just moves back and forth, lol. If I do this I'll have to rename the Simple Sit plugin to the Simple Action Plugin! :D
P.S. Thanks for the nice feedback! :D
Thanks for the good feedback :D I was thinking about trying to make /lay command like you said to play the sleeping action anywhere, would be very cool.
This powerful and practical plug! You can sit down anywhere! Already informally limit the stairs .. It's really interesting.
If you later can increase sleep. (Action). And support to the keyboard. So much the better!