SilkSpawners v1.5
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UploadedMay 7, 2012
Size33.51 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R1.2
- CB 1.2.5-R1.0
- 1.2.5
2012-05-07 1.5
- Add optional support for Spout and clicking item to show spawner type (thanks thedudeguy)
- Add mob and Entity IDs from RanCraft Penguins 1.2.5f in config.yml
2012-04-11 1.4
- Improve spawnEggOverride to spawn on clicked block instead of above player
- Change craftableSpawners recipes to shaped, egg surrounded by iron bars (thanks xGh0sTkiLLeRx)
- Add per-creature crafting recipe config options (enableCraftingSpawner)
2012-04-02 1.3
- Add spawnEggOverride option to allow spawning _any_ entity using spawn eggs
using spawn eggs, including dragons or non-living entities (dangerous, default off)
- Add dumpEntityMap option to show entity ID mapping for debugging purposes
- Add mob and entity IDs from AnimalBikes 1.11.0 in config.yml
- Tested on 1.2.4-R1.0 and 1.2.3-R0.3
2012-03-21 1.2
- Respect WorldGuard protection
- Add spawnersUnstackable config option (default false)
- Add mob and entity IDs from RanCraft Penguins 1.1c in config.yml
2012-03-11 1.1a
- Add ocelot and iron golem
- Tested on 1.2.3-R0.2, 1.1-R8, and 1.1-R4
2012-03-03 1.1
- Update for new API
- Craftable spawners supported on: CraftBukkit 1.2.3-R0.1, 1.1-R7, 1.1-R4
(not on 1.1-R6, due to BUKKIT-602)
2012-02-26 1.0.1
- Fix NPE when using /ss to view type of non-standard spawners
- Tested with CraftBukkit 1.1-R5 (1961 development build)
2012-02-26 1.0
- Change default destroyDropEgg to false in config.yml
- Change command to /silkspawners, add /spawner and /ss aliases
- Preserve comments in config.yml
- Remove workaround for BUKKIT-602 since its fixed in 1.1-R4
- Remove workaround for Material.MONSTER_EGG since its fixed in 1.1-R4 ModLoaderMP 1.1r3
- Remove dependence on CreatureType
- Add /ss all to list all creature types
- Add /ss [creature]egg to get a free spawn egg item, as opposed to a spawner box
- Add silkspawners.freeitemegg permission
- Add minSilkTouchLevel config option, to control Silk Touch enchantment requirement
- Add support for custom mobs
- Add mob and entity IDs from Natural Selection mod
- Compile for CraftBukkit 1.1-R4
2012-02-08 0.5
- Add clicking spawner with spawn egg to change type (by default, ops only)
- Add option to consume spawn egg when clicking spawner to change type
- Add silkspawners.changetypewithegg permission node
- Compatibility with modded craftbukkits missing Material.MONSTER_EGG [1.1-R3 ModLoaderMP 1.1r2]
(craftableSpawners will be disabled, but otherwise everything should work,
including spawn egg drops - please report any problems)
2012-02-07 0.4.1
- Ignore cancelled events
2012-02-05 0.4
- Update for 1.1-R3, working around ignored block update (= pigs) CraftBukkit regression from 1.1-R1
- Change craftableSpawners default to false
- Add usePermissions option, to disable use of permission system
- Change default permissions to 'false' when usePermissions is on
- Change silkspawners.eggdrop permission node to silkspawners.destroydrop to better reflect purpose
- Add destroyDropEgg option to control dropping of eggs on destroy
- Add destroyDropXP option to set level of XP drop on destroy (0 to disable)
- Add destroyDropBars option to drop iron bars on destroy (0 to disable)
- Add recognizing spawners picked up from creaturebox, tagged with Respiration enchantment
(SilkSpawners NOT compatible with creaturebox when both are installed simultaneously)
- New license (BSD)
2012-01-23 0.3
- Implemented workaround for BUKKIT-602, spawners are now craftable! (optional)
- Show creature type when a free spawner item is obtained using /spawner
- Added more aliases, and copy configuration file to make changes easier
- Added minimum requirements check, to show an informative error on 1.0.1
- Documentation
2012-01-22 0.2
- Added ability to put a free spawner item in your hand using /spawner [creature]
- Added silkspawners.freeitem permission node
2012-01-22 0.1
- Initial pre-release for CraftBukkit 1.1 (tested on 1.1-R1-20120122.172420-8)