Supported Bukkit Versions
- Added Signshop.Permit.MATERIAL permission node, so you can specifically permit certain items to be sold for different permission groups.
- Added better support for NBT data
- Added support for WhatIsIt (Thanks Hoppeduppeanut!)
- Updated ShowcaseStandalone support to match latest API
- Fixed admin shops requiring a chest.
- Fixed an error with UUID conversion
- Fixed an error with oneTime and resetOneTime blocks
- Fixed warning on startup for 0 not being a material, as item numbers are no longer supported by Bukkit
- Fixed external jar files not being loaded with MCPC+
- Fixed the TimeManager using Async tasks, even though it sometimes interfaces with Bukkit
- Fixed a Slot sign exploit
- Fixed SignShop.Superadmin to now behave as expected
- Fixed PriceModifiers not working for numbers bigger than 1
- Fixed NPE with Permits
- Fixed messages not being sent after reboot after UUID conversion, and some other problems with UUIDs
- Fixed !param not working in messages