Added a way to have a variable repair cost for Repair signs, make "repairPlayerHeldItem" say "repairPlayerHeldItem{variablecost}" in the config to use.
Added ability to modify linkable materials in the config
Added a block to make a sign have a cooldown per user, so if you want to make a sign that can be used once a day you can by adding cooldown{SECONDS}, to the sign in the config ("SECONDS" being the number of seconds between using a sign).
Added OnExpiration{SomeOtherBlock} that will activate "SomeOtherBlock" when a Hotel expires, add OnExpiration{} to your SignShopHotel sign configs to use.
Changed !line# variables to work in messages as well
Changed metrics to R7
Fixed an issue where SignShop would stop sending messages to players after they logged out and back in
Fixed an issue with Device signs not working because chunks weren't staying loaded
Fixed an issue where a world would be seen as not loaded, even though it was, causing shop links to break
Fixed an issue with Trade / iTrade signs not working
There is an item dupe involving item frames, in this version and all versions since item frames were introduced as linkable to SignShops. This will be fixed ASAP.
Make sure your Java is up to date (should be jre7 or higher) and you are launching that version of java with your batch file. If it's not you will get a "unsupported major.minor" error.
Also make sure to update your version of SignShopHotel if you are using it.