Fixed a problem with unloaded chunks not recognizing chests for shops
The raw experience point math changed between 1.2.5 and 1.3.1. Do not use "{raw}" as an optional modifier for takePlayerXP or givePlayerXP with SignShop 2.2.1 or lower and minecraft 1.3.1.
Using SignShops that take or remove items from your inventory, with a written book in your inventory as well, will delete the contents of the book. There is no way for plugins to store the information written in books for 1.3.1 yet, so we cannot fix it until the Bukkit team updates their API.
Upgrading to SignShop 2.1+ from the SignShop 2 beta or SignShop 1? We recommend regenerating your config. If you don't do this, you may encounter problems with the Variable Amounts setting in the config, iSlot signs, and outdated error messages (among other problems).