Fixed an item duplication bug caused by multiple chests in the SignShop 2 beta (regenerate your config to fix this issue)
Fixed a problem with AllowVariableAmounts allowing users to sell partial amounts for full price in the SignShop 2 beta (regenerate your config to fix this issue)
Fixed a problem with iSlot telling players they had full inventories when they weren't full (regenerate your config to fix this issue)
Fixed a problem with how PermissionsBukkit handles "*" permissions
Fixed !enchantments (and other !variables) not working in certain messages
Added the ability to use more blocks as "chests" for shops. This includes Dispensers, Furnaces, Brewingstands, and Enchantmenttables.
Added the ability to change the owner of a shop by punching a player with redstone and then punching the sign
Added new permission nodes to go with the new features (Signshop.DenyLink.* and Signshop.ChangeOwner) check out the permissions page for a better description.
Upgrading SignShop from an older version? We recommend regenerating your config. If you don't do this, you may encounter problems with the Variable Amounts setting in the config, iSlot signs, and outdated error messages (among other problems).