SignShop v3.7.2
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UploadedJan 30, 2023
Size642.55 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.19.3
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19
- 1.18.2
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
- 1.17
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
Minecraft version: 1.13.2 - 1.19.3
This will likely be the last update for Minecraft 1.13.2 - 1.19.3. The next Signshop update will most likely be for Minecraft 1.20+ and require updating your Java version if you have not already done so.
Although this version has been extensively tested it is always recommended to make a complete backup before updating.
Recent changes:
- Adds /signshop ignore command to ignore Signshop messages.
- Adds materials.yml configuration file so that you can add your own translations and/or colorized custom names for materials.
- Adds shop inspection tool to see shop owner information including last seen time uses WRITABLE_BOOK by default.
- Adds permissions for inspection tool Signshop.Inspect.Own and Signshop.Inspect.Others or be Op.
- Now allows commas to be used for currency separation instead of just periods. (1,000.00 and 1.000,00 are now both valid prices). Thanks Mart!
- Configurable stock status colors!
- You can now dye and add glow to your shops with dyes and ink sacs!
- Adds permissions for sign colors and glow effect Signshop.Dye.Own and Signshop.Dye.Others or be Op.
- Now preserves shops in sellers.yml when the world the shop is in never loads. This allows you to change between active worlds without losing shops.
- Now caches shop prices for performance. Thanks again Mart!
- Fixes creative mode shop sign rendering on left click!
- Fixes NPE with natural fire spread.
- Fixes NPE when skull has null owner name.
- Fixes improper color formatting for falsely colored items.
- Fixes /signshop reload and auto reloads Signshop addons.
- Overhaul to fr_FR.yml translations. Thanks Pat!
- Update CMI dependency to use CMI-API artifact.
- More warnings regarding Essentials conflicts.
- Performance updates using player caching. Thanks IndexOutOfMJ!
- General code improvements.