SignRank lets you create signs which people can punch or right click in order to get promoted from the default rank.
- Thread:
- Configuration:
- Customizable ranks
- Customizable signs
- An option to allow per-sign customization
- Support for the following plugins:
- Permissions3
- PermissionsBukkit
- bPermissions
- GroupManager
- PermissionsEx
Permissions node:
- - Create and destroy SignRank signs.
Version 1.2.3
- Finally updated!
- Removed support for PermissionsBukkit, P3 and bPerms
Version 1.2.2
- Fixed a stupid typo
- It's now compatible with the latest CraftBukkit builds
Version 1.2.1
- Finally moved to the new configuration format
- Hopefully fixed Permissions3
Version 1.2
- Added support for the following plugins:
- GroupManager
- PermissionsEx
- bPermissions
Version 1.1.2
- Actually calling the update check
Version 1.1.1
- Fixed a critical flaw
- Added an update check
Version 1.1
- Added the ability to specify the group name on the second line of the sign, and ignore the rank check
- Added an option in the config to enable the above function
Version 1.0.1
- Removed some debug messages still present
- Fixed the creation of SignRank signs
Version 1.0
- Initial release
Thanks, Roervig ^_^ That was very helpful.
Hey Bit:D:D:D I know one search for ServerSign. it let you use all commands that you can use from plugins and the server
I do not think that this is getting updated, since the last version was uploaded 3 months ago. I'll be looking for an alternative, if I find one, I'll post it here.
Does not work with 1.2
Can you please update your plugin to the R5 builds? :D I can't use R5 builds until your plugin is updated to support it because I love this plugin!
Can't you update it?
Please update!? ):
This plugin is mostly outdated.
i really want this plugin for my server but i don't now how to correctly activate it for it to work on my server. i got like 30 plugins and i want this one. someone please help
Dosent chabnge anything using permissionbukkit and groupmanager
So I have a problem.. Here is my config:
With this setup, the sign says "You're already in the group Member!" even when they're not. When I switch bypassGroupCheck: true, it only sets them to Member in 'world' world, not the other ones listed in config. Here is my sign layout.
What's my issue? Please help me out.. :/ (using bPermissions)
Thanks will give it a try!
It's in the config file. This line:
Set it to false. Then, you can create the signs with this syntax:
Is it possible to create different group signs? One that could promote to builder and the other would promote to architect for example.
How to make the signs?????
@coolblinger I'm not sure if it's possible to code, but could you please add a function so that we can use colour codes in SignText i.e: signText: '[&4PunchMe&0]' It works sometimes when I change the config, but when the server is restarted the signs lose their function (sadface).
maybe a tutorial for this please pictures??
Can you add a config.yml for PEX, pls?
Hi, how about adding line to promote from group that way you can have also other than default group promo.
Same problems for me too...