SignRank lets you create signs which people can punch or right click in order to get promoted from the default rank.
- Thread:
- Configuration:
- Customizable ranks
- Customizable signs
- An option to allow per-sign customization
- Support for the following plugins:
- Permissions3
- PermissionsBukkit
- bPermissions
- GroupManager
- PermissionsEx
Permissions node:
- - Create and destroy SignRank signs.
Version 1.2.3
- Finally updated!
- Removed support for PermissionsBukkit, P3 and bPerms
Version 1.2.2
- Fixed a stupid typo
- It's now compatible with the latest CraftBukkit builds
Version 1.2.1
- Finally moved to the new configuration format
- Hopefully fixed Permissions3
Version 1.2
- Added support for the following plugins:
- GroupManager
- PermissionsEx
- bPermissions
Version 1.1.2
- Actually calling the update check
Version 1.1.1
- Fixed a critical flaw
- Added an update check
Version 1.1
- Added the ability to specify the group name on the second line of the sign, and ignore the rank check
- Added an option in the config to enable the above function
Version 1.0.1
- Removed some debug messages still present
- Fixed the creation of SignRank signs
Version 1.0
- Initial release
Not working, is there something i'm missing? Sign: [Signrank] Member
Member is my groupname
How do u put in the ranks????? i like it but it makes no sence.
TIP: i am using groupmanager
complete failure to remove permissionsbukkit support
Why no more support for bperms?
Any updates on having it so people have to pay for the upgrades?
Is there a way to make multiple groups? I mean like to have two signs with different groups. I want to be able to do it without making "bypassGroupCheck" true. I want this because sometimes there are dickheads who spam click the sign and it fills the entire chat.
Wy can no one use the rankup sign its annoying i use permissions ex and they cant use the rankupsign cane some one help me
what commands are there to rank up players cause i cant get it to work
for the signs that is cause u got no screenshots and its hard to tell
'Removed support for PermissionsBukkit...' Just my luck.
can you add it so that you must pay money? and be a certain rank to buy others?
The folder's called 'SignRank'.
@coolblinger yippeeee!
Hey whats the name of the folder it should generate and does this work with groupmanager? When I put [SIgnRank] on a sign it doesnt work.
Finaly updated for 1.2.5!
Does this work for 1.2.5 because it wont generate folder and what do you out on the sign?
I completely forgot about Bukkit. :)
I'll update this plugin for PermissionsEx and bPermissions, expect an update in the coming days.
For some reason, it disables itself because 'no permissions detected' I am running GroupManager, it used to work perfectly.
Haha I want the source! ):
And yet again another plugin bites the dust. Sadly this is happening throughout the community on great and dependable plugins but sadly the authors just can't be bothered or have issues in real life.