
  • The shortener value lets you configure which shortener to use. Currently supported shorteners are googl, bitly, tinyurl, isgd, turlca, yourls, with isgd as default.
  • The prefix value lets you specify how links are highlighted. Use standard Minecraft color codes.
  • The googAPI value is required for support. You can obtain an API key here.
  • The bitlyUSER and bitlyAPI values are required for support. bitlyUSER is your username, and bitlyAPI is obtained from this page under "show legacy API key".
  • The yourlsURI, yourlsUSER and yourlsPASS are for the YOURLS support. yourlsUSER and yourlsPASSS are any of the username -> password combos in your YOURLS configuration file. yourlsURI is the URL to the YOURLS API endpoint, usually
  • The minlength value lets you specify the minimum length, in characters, that a URL must have in order for it to be shortened. It has to have single quotes surrounding it. The default value is 20.
  • The auto-update value can be either true or false and will, if needed, fetch updates from when the plugin is enabled or reloaded.
  • The mode value can be either "replace" or "classic". In replace mode (the default), URLs will be replaced by shortened versions. In classic mode, the URLs are shown seperately before the message.


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