Ships - DAMAGE!

A plugin to add configurable damage/weight properties to vessels created with the SHIPS plugin by MoseMister. Adds the mechanics of weight to your ships. Weight is how many blocks the structure of your vessel has. This adds the ability to have interactive vessels battles with consequences. Adds in roleplaying features, such as a purpose for gunmen, and repairmen/mechanics onboard ships.

Build the ultimate warship, or a stealthy pirate vessel, sabotage flights, have massive air fleet battles and more! This simple little plugin adds much fun and functionality with no performance hit!


>Number of blocks are recorded when ship sign is created

>Ship will not move if damaged below a configurable

>Ship will not move if it contains more than 110% of it's total blocks(overweight) to prevent it from dragging along unexpected objects


>To update a ship and/or make it bigger, simple delete and re-create the ships sign for that vessel, and the size will be re-calculated.

>Repairs and damage can be made while moving

>If damaged and not repaired while moving, ship will stop. To quickly get moving patch up the holes.

Special Thanks To:

MoseMister: For his ships plugin and for taking the time to show me the proper use of the ships API, and continued pointers on the project, and his over-all dedication to making ships everything it can be!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 21, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jan 1, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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