Shadow Admin
What is this
This English translation using Google.
Shadow Admin is a Server Admin Support Plugin. Many Support Commands.
You can also see where player logged in from the country. Use Country Code
Next generation
Shadow Admin is broken while 1.7.x. I developing next version.
Version 0.5.2 Update : Released!
Version 0.7.a (0.7.0 Alpha Build 1) Available!!
Watch my Blog(Japanese) or Show Files on Bukkit, and Find version 0.7.a.
Alpha Build Page is Here
Compleate Command,Option List here
Older versions
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version If you wish to disable this feature (/me cries), you can do so by opt-ing out, which you can do in the config file under /plugins/PluginMetrics/
the problem with the stalker is now just with the new version.
IP control:
I think that is must.I need add IP Address option.
About stalker mode:
uhhmm..maybe, I think Chat/Command bug is not only shadow admin bug.
Do not you have the client MOD to something else?
hello. if you want get out / stop stalker then "/sd stalker" only.
without player name = getout/stop stalker
the /sd stalker command bugs people and they cant get out of stalker mode when they stalk a player in game. how can this be fixed?
yeah similar xD just to enter the ip adress of the web server. Because if i do this with your plugin, so the selected port of all ip adresses of the server hoster will be opened. So if you enter the port AND the ip-adress of the plugin - web server.
Second point, now actual the function stalker is buggy. If i use this, so it is impossible to open the chat and write something. So, i can also not write to stop the function. Only if the player leave the game, so i can enter in the chat to stop the stalker. If i leave minecraft during i m stalking and enter again, so i m back in the function stalker.
Best Regards
Ah! I understand what you say.
Are you want a setting allowed IP address?
Example. Localhpst only, Local network only, Same provider(ISP) network only.
But that is not available currentry version.
I develop 0.6.a3 now.after a4,I try program it
umm... I can't understand what are you mean. 0.6.a3 (Next version)Default port number using 8321. A little easy english Please.
That is impossible for "Shadow Admin" develop. because I need standalone development. Permission is a bukkit official commands permission control. So, Please use PermissionsEX or Other Permission Control Plugin.
Hi Satoimo,
new day, new problem :D
Now i receive from the log of my server hoster, that i open all ports 8012 on all IP Adresses.
Please fix your configuration! You are using port 8012 on all IP Addresses!
Can we add the ip adress inside the webcp.yml file ?
Best Regards,
Groupmanager is the group plugin i use. It kinda goes with essentials... Is there anyway you can make it for groupmanager too?
I dont know GroupManager. (Essensials??)
Please use "PermissionsEX"
I did. I put that command into my groupmanager rank files. It does not work. I put ShadowAdmin.cmd and it refuses to work.
Do you know "permissions" ?
I made permission options on 0.6.a2,
a2 mean "Alpha Build 2"
try download 0.6.a2.
Please find section of "Permissions (0.6.x Series)" on this article.
About who baned, and reason.
Command "/ban PlayerName", cannot set a log "who did" and "why" .
So if I need Reason and OP logs, I must be create new command, maybe "/sd ban reason"
need more time.
About Log search on webcp
I just tryed. but need more clean (simple) algorism.
Hi. I very much enjoy this plugin, but people have to be an OP to use it. Is there a way i can make it so they do not have to be an OP? I want Admins to have it too, but if people are OP's then they could ruin the server.
yeah now is working , also the webcp. Great. I like it ! Thx for your work !
Can you add in the ban list the reason and which operator have done the ban ?
Additional would be great that is possible to choice the date of log file to watch
Best Regards,
Hi, Thank You bug info.
but, that is no problem. this is 404 (File Not Found) Error.
I upload target file on web. one more try it.
at the moment i receive follow message by server restart :
2013-02-17 05:40:32 [INFO] Enable Shadow Admin 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at net.satoimo.minecraft.jar.ShadowAdmin.ImoRics.getText( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at net.satoimo.minecraft.jar.ShadowAdmin.Main.configReload( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at net.satoimo.minecraft.jar.ShadowAdmin.Main.onEnable( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugin( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.j( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.e( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.MinecraftServer.a( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_R1.DedicatedServer.init( 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-20" 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException 2013-02-17 05:40:34 [SEVERE] at
Best Regards RCE
Hi.I use SEUS(MOD) default Texture pack.
"SEUS Patched"
Hey, what texture pack is in the picture you posted? :P also good plugin, downloading :P