Ability to Have Individual Ranks #16

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7202549
  • _ForgeUser14011103 created this issue Apr 5, 2014
    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?My key issue is that I could use a regular ranking system (like this one) but lets say your a user on my server and you purchase the kit knight. Now as a user the permission ''(arena name).Explicit.Perms'' is added to the user command list. Now any user can use the knight kit for free because this one person purchased it. Id like it if you could make it so your still a user but you have your own sub section with special ''(arena name).Explicit.Perms'' per what you have bought.(I'm using a plugin called pvparena works great just these permissions cant go into groups.)Please provide any additional information below.Heres a simple command that could be used./setrank (give/take) (permission) (player) (group)
  • _ForgeUser14011103 added the tags New Enhancment Apr 5, 2014
  • _ForgeUser14011103 posted a comment Apr 5, 2014

    I accidentlly made two of these but can we work on the other one? Thanks.


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