Set Homes
This plugin will no longer be updated. We have released a new an improved version called, Set Homes Two. All future updates will be applied there, however this plugin will not be removed from the projects page so feel free to use it in it's current state as it is stable.
A simple homes plugin with the ability to create, delete, and teleport to many different homes. Have the ability to control a blacklist of worlds in which players will be restricted from setting homes. Using the config you can control setting such as a maximum number of homes, teleport cooldown, teleport delay, and their respective messages that get displayed to the user.
Simply place the downloaded jar into your server plugins folder.
NOTE! For "MAX HOMES" to work you must meet one of the soft dependencies below, and setup groups for the respective permissions plugin. You will then also need to setup max-homes in the config.yml. An example max-homes setup can be found below the default config
Soft Dependencies
Only choose one option below
- LuckPerms permission plugin
- Vault plugin, as well as, a permissions plugin supported by Vault
- /sethome [HomeName] [HomeDescription] - This command will allow the issuer to set a home with a given name and description of their choosing at your standing location. If no name and description are given then you will set a default home at your standing location.
- /home [HomeName] - This command will teleport the user to the given "HomeName". If no home name is given then the user is teleported to their default home that was set by /sethome
- /home-of [PlayerName] [HomeName] - This command will allow players with the "homes.home-of" permission to teleport to any players set home. If no home name is provided it will assume the default home as the desired destination.
- /delhome [HomeName] - This command will delete the home at the given home name. If no home name is given then it will attempt to remove the default home.
- /delhome-of [PlayerName] [HomeName] - This command will allow players with the "homes.delhome-of" permission to delete any players set home. If no home name is given it will assume the default home as the home desired for deletion.
- /uhome <HomeName> <HomeDescription> - This command will allow players with the "homes.uhome" permission to update any of there already set homes. If no description is given, and there was one previously set before it will reuse the old one.
- /uhome-of <PlayerName> <HomeName> - This command will allow players with the "homes.uhome-of" permission to update a home for any player. If no home name is supplied then it will update the supplied players default home.
- /homes [PlayerName] - This command will list all of the players currently set homes if there are any. Players with the "home.gethomes" permission can use the extra PlayerName parameter to list the homes of a specific player.
- /blacklist [Add/Remove] [WorldName] - This command is used to both add and remove worlds to/from the blacklist. If passed no other arguments it will list all worlds currently blacklisted.
- /setmax <GroupName> <Amount> - This command will allow players with the "homes.setmax" permission to set a maximum number of allowed homes for a specific permission group. For example if you wanted to only allow the default permission group 4 homes you execute the command, "/setmax default 4".
- /strike - Have fun admins.
- homes.* - A player given this permission will be allowed all commands under the Set Homes plugin
- homes.home - A player with this permission is allowed to teleport to named homes
- homes.sethome - A player with this permission is allowed to set named homes
- homes.strike - Give the power to others!
- homes.blacklist_list - A player given this permission will be able to list worlds in the blacklist
- homes.blacklist_add - A player given this permission will be able to add worlds to the blacklist
- homes.blacklist_remove - A player given this permission will be able to remove worlds from the blacklist
- homes.config_bypass - A player given this permission can set homes in blacklisted worlds, and doesn't have to wait for cooldown or teleport delays. They will also be able to exceed the max home limit.
- homes.gethomes - Give the ability to list any players active homes
- homes.home-of - Give the ability to teleport to one of any players active homes
- homes.delhome-of - Give the ability to delete one of any players active homes
- homes.uhome - Give the ability to update homes
- homes.uhome-of - Give the ability to update other players homes
- homes.setmax - Give the ability to set a maximum number of homes for a permission group
Default Config
# -------------------------- # SetHomes Config # -------------------------- # Messages: # You can use chat colors in messages with this symbol §. # I.E: §b will change any text after it to an aqua blue color. # Color codes may be found here # Time: # Any time value is based in seconds. # Things to Note: # Set any integer option to 0 for it to be ignored. # The max-homes does not include the default un-named home. # Use %s as the seconds variable in the cooldown message. max-homes: default: 0 max-homes-msg: §4You have reached the maximum amount of saved homes! tp-delay: 3 tp-cooldown: 0 tp-cancelOnMove: false tp-cancelOnMove-msg: §4Movement detected! Teleporting has been cancelled! tp-cooldown-msg: §4You must wait another %s second(s) before teleporting!
Example Max-Homes setup
max-homes: default: 1 free: 3 subscriber: 5 admin: 0
- Q: How can I give players permission to set named homes?
A: You will need to install a permissions plugin, either LuckPerms, or Vault & a Vault supported permissions plugin then apply the permission "homes.sethome" to the (player or group) you would like to allow the usage of multiple homes for.
Change Log
- Set Homes Two released:
- Added support for Minecraft/Craftbukkit V1.16.3.
- Added support for LuckPerms permission plugin
- Made LuckPerms default permission plugin, and set Vault as a rollback before disabling all together
- Changed colors, and layout of list homes message to be more readable
- Fixed error, where SetHomes could not load without Vault
- Removed auto-updater functionality because it was not working properly
- Added server log messages for permissions plugin hooking, and no perms plugin found
In reply to Forge_User_40246696:
You will need to install a permissions plugin in order to apply certain permissions to players/groups.
Best Regards,
In reply to Xquiset:
Thanks for your reply.
Which plugin do you advise for the permission management ?
In reply to Forge_User_40246696:
In my test environments I use "PermissionsEX". They have very good documentation and millions of downloads. Its a very helpful plugin in my opinion.
Best of Luck,
The strike command does not listen to permissions. does not contain a if(p.hasPermission(...)) check.
This means with this plugin everyone always has a lightning spawner....
In reply to Forge_User_69499823:
Wow good catch. Myself, and many others thank you. I have applied the fix and uploaded it to this site.
Thank You,
When I install plugin he worked normaly , but now I have so much errors and dont know what have to do. Can you please help me ?
In reply to fncxmantheon:
Hello there, it looks like you are using an outdated version or craftbukkit. This plugin only supports craftbukkit versions 1.13 and up. In order to use this plugin you will have to upgrade your craftbukkit jar.
Best of Luck,
Is there away that I can restrict default players to only one set home and have donators get multiple?
In reply to bunnna:
In reply to bunnna:
Use a permissions plugin. By default the plugin only allows for non op users to set a default home with /sethome. They're not allowed named homes. To allow the use of named homes with a permissions plugin you would need to add the "homes.sethome" permission to the the list of permissions for the player/group you are trying to set.
Is it possible to make it x time before they can use /home again?
In reply to rainb0wtea:
No this is not a feature at the moment, but it has been added to the list as something to work on for future updates.
Best Regards,
would you be able to add an option for /sethome to be able to be set on a per-world basis?(aka i can set different home points in 2-3 different worlds), and maby even blacklist some world from having a home point set in them?
In reply to tabpol95:
With the current version you should be able to create homes in any world. Just teleport to it, and it will change the world for you. It would probably be wise of me to mention which homes are in which world when using the /home command, so that has been added to a short list of features to add. I also like your idea of a world blacklist for homes, so I will add that to the list as well.
P.S: Would you mind if I mentioned your username in a note for who suggested these features?
Best regards,
In reply to Xquiset:
Go ahead and mention me.
but are the /home & /sethome commands world-specific?
p.s. Just thought of this, hows about a way for an admin to see if player x has a home location set, how many and in what worlds. then allow the admin to remove/set/change/warp to, player x home locations. let's say that where player x has his home location set is now a giant hole... maby an admin can change it? or even warp to the home location to see if they are doing anything sketchy
In reply to tabpol95:
Yes they are. If you look inside the config folders/files you can see that it saves the world name along with the x, y, z, pitch, & yaw values. As for your recommendation its definitely something that I can think about, but that would be a way away from being implemented into the plugin.
Best Regards,
Im having trouble setting up the permissions can someone help me
In reply to spyboy2003:
I would be happy to help where I can. What issues are you having with permissions?
This plugin does not work fully on 1.14.3. Even when you're op you cant set multiple homes only a default home. Says internal error.
In reply to WheatyCumQuats:
Hi there,
Could you please post your servers log when you get the internal error. I cannot replicate this error.
Many thanks,
Hello Everyone,
I deeply apologize for the long wait to get this new, and hopefully fully functional version of SetHomes pushed out. My account was compromised, and I have been trying rigorously to get it back. Finally I was able to obtain control of it again, so I could upload the latest version of the plugin for you all.
Thank you all for your patience,