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  • Uploaded
    Apr 20, 2016
  • Size
    38.14 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.9
  • 1.8.1
  • 1.8


  • Further cleaning of back-end code

Version 1.91

  • Cleaned up back-end code (will make updating/patching/editing easier in future)
  • Made it more 1.8-1.8.3 compatible
  • Removed /st disable command due to the fact that it did not fully work (may re-implement at later date if fully functional)

Version 1.9

  • Removed duplicate (but differently worded) entries of the same command when a player did /st
  • Added command /st help and a detailed help menu
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Added the functionality that if a player did a /st command that did not exist or typed it wrong it notifies them and tells them a command they can type to get the full list of plugin commands.
  • Added command /st disable to disable the plugin
  • Added command /st admin and reduced what is visible from the command /st if the user has the permission servertp.admin then they can do /st admin and view all the commands as before.
    This was solely a measure to simplify the commands and information given to a regular server guest and so that only the commands they can do are shown.

Version 1.6

  • Minor Bug fixes
  • Cleaned up back-end code to make it easier for future updates
  • Fixed an issue where if a player did /hub or /shop and one was not set they would be teleported/glitched out of the world. Now a message will be displayed and the player will not be teleported if such an event takes place.
  • Now there is the option in the config file to choose whether or not a joining player will be teleported to the hub or if the owner of the server would prefer them to join at their last location.
  • Players will auto-join to the hub if it is set. (part of above point)

Version 1.5

  • Fixed some commands not showing up under /st and alt /servertp

Version 1.4

  • Improved overall stability of the plugin.
  • The plugin now stores the direction a player was facing when executing either /sethub or /setshop (pitch and yaw) so that when someone does /hub or /shop they now teleport facing the direction the person that set the locations was facing (useful for intending a player to spawn facing a certain way)
  • Stats collection and data gathering
    This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system. Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true. The following information is collected and sent to
    A unique identifier
    The server's version of Java
    Whether the server is in offline or online mode
    The plugin's version
    The server's version
    The OS version/name and architecture
    The core count for the CPU
    The number of players online
    The Metrics version

Added following commands:

  • /st
  • /stinfo
  • /sethub
  • /setshop
  • /servertp
  • /servertp version (alias of /st version)

Removed Commands:

  • /servertpinfo

Replaced command /servertpinfo with command /st info or the alias of /servertp info

No caveats that we are aware of.

Version 1.9
All caveats from 1.9 that we are aware of have been resolved.

  • Command /st disable may say it is disabled (and act as such) but you can not delete or move the file etc. We hope to fix this bug in the future. In the mean time we recommend that you use a plugin such as to unload it if it gives you any troubles.