
ServerTeam is a plugin which shows the Admins,Supporters,etc. even when they aren't online. You only have to add the names in the config. When a player wants to know: Who is the admin? Then he can simply type /team and see the list with the admins, supporters, etc...


-Teamchat for your team
-Change join- and quitmessage
-Clears your chat
-Shows the names your Admins,Moderator,etc.


/team - Shows you the server team
/cleanchat - Clears the chat
/tc <message> - Writes a message into the teamchat
/tc on - toggels the teamchat on, so you can write instandly into it
/tc off - toggels the teamchat off

Permissions - Allows you to use /team
serverteam.clearchat - Allows you to use /cleanchat
serverteam.teamchat - Allows you to use all /tc commands and allows you tu recive all teamchat-messages


(If you install a newer version please delete the config. There will be some changes)

1. Put it in the plugins folder
2. Reload your server
3. Go into your plugins folder
4. The plugin has created a new folder named 'ServerTeam'
5. Go in the ServerTeam folder and open the configs
6. Write the names into the configuration (eg. joinMessage: Welcome)
7. You're done!!
8. Reload/Restart your server


-add multi-language support
-add Supporters in /team (added in version 1.1)
-add join-message (added in version 1.2)
-add quit-message (added in version 1.2)
-add reload-message (added in version 2)
-add team chat (added in version 2.2
-show, who is online
-add other messages (please write ideas and wishes in the comments)

Also have a look at my other plugin KillHim
My plugins are always up and downward compatible


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 22, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 7, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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