Please check our Wiki before asking questions or submitting tickets
This project has not been abandoned completely - it's just been lacking some love & care for the past year; I plan to continue development and fix any outstanding issues in the new year. Thank you for your continued support of ServerSigns - Exloki
ServerSigns (SVS) provides the ability to bind player-dispatched and server-disptached commands, messages and actions to signs and every other block in Minecraft.
As soon as a player clicks on a ServerSign, the configured actions are executed in the order and with the settings you specified.
Main Features:
- No limit: Unlimited commands per ServerSign
- Multi-role: Assign a variety of actions whenever a sign is clicked (even define different commands for right/left clicks)
- Messages: Send messages to the player
- Broadcasts: Send messages to the whole server
- Player commands: Executes commands as if the player typed it in chat
- Server commands: Executes commands as if it was executed from the server console
- Delayed actions: Any action can be delayed (from seconds to months)
- Looped actions: Any ServerSign can be converted to loop server commands with defined intervals
- Require permissions: ServerSigns can be set up to require permissions to use
- Grant permissions: Grants players temporary permissions to execute the commands
- Per-sign costs: Bind exp, money, and item costs to ServerSigns
- Protected: Automatically protects every ServerSign and any attached blocks.
- Basic scripting: Implement if/else and return statements in commands on ServerSigns
Please note that version 2.6 and above will notify you when a ServerSigns developer joins, this is so you're aware of who we are when we join, and we can help you with any issues you may be having with ServerSigns as quickly as possible. Version 4.1 and above will also send the developer a message stating the current plugin version.
This plugin utilizes an auto-updating feature that will check for the latest ServerSigns build and automatically download that build if it is newer than the currently installed one. This can be disabled by setting 'check_for_updates' to false in the config.yml
This plugin uses Metrics to gather basic non-identifiable statistical data such as the number of ServerSigns you are using, your plugin version, and other standard data. You can opt-out of this feature by setting 'metrics_opt_out' to true in the config.yml. A full list of gathered information can be found here:
Click Here to view Tutorial Videos
Known bugs
- ALL VERSIONS: Spawn protection prevents non-ops using ServerSigns This issue cannot be 'fixed', as stated by md_5 - known sollutions include setting spawn-protection to 0, or clearing ops.json
Reporting Bugs / Requesting Features
When reporting bugs, requesting features, or providing any other constructive feedback that will require code alterations you must submit a ticket to have your voice heard and action taken (if required). Any topics of this nature that arise in the comments section will henceforth be ignored.
Before you raise a ticket, you need to make sure that the feature you are requesting isn't already implemented (read all of the help pages which show SVS features), or the bug you want fixed hasn't already been resolved in the latest development build (a rolling change log is kept on the development build page, use this for reference)
When submitting a ticket, please be as descriptive and informative as possible. If reporting a bug or flaw, then show all the steps required to reproduce the problem, also attach any and all related screenshots or other files to the ticket. If requesting a new feature, then please be as detailed as possible so we have a very clear idea of what it is you're suggesting - that way if we do implement your suggestion, this ensures it is exactly as you want it to be.
Once you have submitted a ticket, rest assured that it will be handled. We do not give a definite time frame for replies or actual alterations, but we try our absolute best to get tickets resolved as soon as possible. Please do not: bump tickets, raise multiple tickets for the same issue, send PMs to our developers, or discuss the ticket in the comments section. Tickets that do not meet the expectations outlined here will likely be declined without comment.
Hmm, i don't know why it don't work exactly, but maybe because I wrote it for PermissionsBukkit. The Essentials group manager works too, but this happened more or less by chance. PEX I never tried. OP's have access to all commands of the plugin.
Great plugin, but after I've set up the permissions for the signs and whenever someone tries it out, they don't have access to it.
I am using 1337 bukkit and PEX. Thanks!
Download version 1.4, cooldown feature is added.
Can you give me the exception out of the console? And I need to know which craftbukkit version you are using exactly.
I have installed the plugin and added the permission serversigns.use to my default group and serversigns.admin to my admin group.
When I use the command /serversigns add to add a sign, I get the error 'An Internal Error occurred while attempting to perform this command'.
Can you advise what could be wrong?
I am using the latest Craftbukkit with 1.8.1 and the following plugins: MobDisguise, AFKBox, MobRepellant, DreamLand, TimeFOld, ServerSigns, Essentials, SimpleSpleef, EssentialsProtect, Chatlogging, WorldEdit, Permissions, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, AntiGuest, DeadMansChest, MobArena, WorldBorder, LWC, Seasons
The "read sign" command is in my to-do list. Also I am going to add a feature to delete or edit some lines. But it takes a lot of time.
The error is, as i sad, really similar to an error of version 1.2. If you'd wanted to create a serversign by writing the command on the sign, the command would have been a lenght of 8 or more. But this bug is fixed with 1.3.
It was on 1.3, but I cannot seem to replicate the issue, even though I did not change any plugins or configs. However, that error did occur on my first sign, so maybe it is only when the .dat is empty.
Also, redstone has been an issue in the past for commandsigns plugins because MC doesn't record who powered something. Maybe it is different now, I don't know.
I figured out the permissions things, but is there a way you can add some sort read command so I can see my signs' commands. I am using a rather complicated setup with 4-6 commands on each sign and since the dat file is unreadable, it makes figuring out issues extremely difficult and time consuming.
Thanks a lot
Could you send the error ans the Version of the Plugin? I fixed a similar bug in Version 1.3, maybe you are using Version 1.2? Are you writing the command in the sign or do you create the serversign with the commands?
Redstone... I could try to add this Feature.
I don't know if there is a reason for this but commands have to be a certain length or you get an error, for instance I tried to have /spawn on my sign and I had to add in other stuff afterwards, which was ok for that command but others have stricter arguments and are short.
Anybody else thinking "redstone!!"`?
So the setpermission command makes the sign require that permission as opposed to using that permissions when the commands associated with the sign are run? Also, is there anyway to put a command on a sign that can't be used by the console but that also cannot be used by the player except through the sign (like warps). Or, if I am wrong about the first question, is there a way to restrict who uses a sign? Thanks
******EDITED****** @CalibeR50: Was looking for a cooldown for the individual sign it's self. Not specific to the individual player but the sign so that that specific sign can only be used once until the cooldown for that sign is up/ready-to-be-used-again by another person or even the same person.
Ok, you want a cooldown for one sign per player, or a global cooldown for everyone? I am going to add both features in the next week. Thanks for the idea
I'm looking for a cooldown function for the individual signs.
I ask this bc I have a dungeon plugin that uses a /command to make an in-game dungeon and I only what that area/sign to be used once every 30min to an hour. Mainly bc it will overwrite the dungeon. And if players are in the dungeon or haven't finished it yet someone can come along and grief it by just clicking on the sign and overwriting the dungeon. Or they could grief the server by spamming it hardcore and crash the server. I also have mob arenas that would benefit use this function too.
That way you could say have 5 different signs on your server with the same command and each one would have a chance to be used when one of the others were on CD. I say all this bc of the before mentioned dungeon creator plugin that I have. I want to have about 5 different dungeons located in 5 different locations running on the server but not have them getting overwritten or griefed in that specific area. If the signs had their own personal CoolDowns then if one dungeon is on CoolDown they can go try the next and so on down the line until all 5 dungeons are being used and on CooldDown. I was also planing on doing the 100% exact same thing with my arenas/arenas-plugin. It would prevent multiple people trying to get into the arena at the same time and causing issues with the arena players. It would also allow me to allow a set maximum number of players per arena by having only that number of signs out front that are connected to that specific arena. I am sure there are other plugins out there that could follow this same scenario. I just don't know them at this time.
The only way all the above would work though is if a Player could use a bound command for other plugins, even if he usually doesn't have the permission to use it, with the help of the bypass prefix or command. I'm can't quite tell if you have this in the plugin or if the plugin only works with the basic MineCraft Server Commands.
BTW great job on getting this plugin up and working with iConomy.
Version 1.3 is supporting iConomy now.
I am going to try this today. I never worked with iConomy so I have to figure out how this is working^^
When do you think you might have iConomy working for this? I know you said in the next update. I was just wondering if you had a ballpark figure for when that might be. IE 1 week, 3 weeks, longer than a month?
should be easy to implement, I am going to add this feature
This is exactly what I needed for my bar!! [command] /drunk <player>
along with the mcspirit mod!
Works like a charm. You're planning on making it so that it can say something but run a command? e.g. a sign saying Drink up lad! when clicked will give the command? Thankyou!
I have added some new permissions. The permission to create a ServerSign I will make later.
I notice that is more complex as i thought. I am going to try it another time.
Next upcoming features are iconomy support and permissions to create and delete ServerSigns to give the normal players on the Server a posibillity to create ServerSigns, too.