Please check our Wiki before asking questions or submitting tickets
This project has not been abandoned completely - it's just been lacking some love & care for the past year; I plan to continue development and fix any outstanding issues in the new year. Thank you for your continued support of ServerSigns - Exloki
ServerSigns (SVS) provides the ability to bind player-dispatched and server-disptached commands, messages and actions to signs and every other block in Minecraft.
As soon as a player clicks on a ServerSign, the configured actions are executed in the order and with the settings you specified.
Main Features:
- No limit: Unlimited commands per ServerSign
- Multi-role: Assign a variety of actions whenever a sign is clicked (even define different commands for right/left clicks)
- Messages: Send messages to the player
- Broadcasts: Send messages to the whole server
- Player commands: Executes commands as if the player typed it in chat
- Server commands: Executes commands as if it was executed from the server console
- Delayed actions: Any action can be delayed (from seconds to months)
- Looped actions: Any ServerSign can be converted to loop server commands with defined intervals
- Require permissions: ServerSigns can be set up to require permissions to use
- Grant permissions: Grants players temporary permissions to execute the commands
- Per-sign costs: Bind exp, money, and item costs to ServerSigns
- Protected: Automatically protects every ServerSign and any attached blocks.
- Basic scripting: Implement if/else and return statements in commands on ServerSigns
Please note that version 2.6 and above will notify you when a ServerSigns developer joins, this is so you're aware of who we are when we join, and we can help you with any issues you may be having with ServerSigns as quickly as possible. Version 4.1 and above will also send the developer a message stating the current plugin version.
This plugin utilizes an auto-updating feature that will check for the latest ServerSigns build and automatically download that build if it is newer than the currently installed one. This can be disabled by setting 'check_for_updates' to false in the config.yml
This plugin uses Metrics to gather basic non-identifiable statistical data such as the number of ServerSigns you are using, your plugin version, and other standard data. You can opt-out of this feature by setting 'metrics_opt_out' to true in the config.yml. A full list of gathered information can be found here:
Click Here to view Tutorial Videos
Known bugs
- ALL VERSIONS: Spawn protection prevents non-ops using ServerSigns This issue cannot be 'fixed', as stated by md_5 - known sollutions include setting spawn-protection to 0, or clearing ops.json
Reporting Bugs / Requesting Features
When reporting bugs, requesting features, or providing any other constructive feedback that will require code alterations you must submit a ticket to have your voice heard and action taken (if required). Any topics of this nature that arise in the comments section will henceforth be ignored.
Before you raise a ticket, you need to make sure that the feature you are requesting isn't already implemented (read all of the help pages which show SVS features), or the bug you want fixed hasn't already been resolved in the latest development build (a rolling change log is kept on the development build page, use this for reference)
When submitting a ticket, please be as descriptive and informative as possible. If reporting a bug or flaw, then show all the steps required to reproduce the problem, also attach any and all related screenshots or other files to the ticket. If requesting a new feature, then please be as detailed as possible so we have a very clear idea of what it is you're suggesting - that way if we do implement your suggestion, this ensures it is exactly as you want it to be.
Once you have submitted a ticket, rest assured that it will be handled. We do not give a definite time frame for replies or actual alterations, but we try our absolute best to get tickets resolved as soon as possible. Please do not: bump tickets, raise multiple tickets for the same issue, send PMs to our developers, or discuss the ticket in the comments section. Tickets that do not meet the expectations outlined here will likely be declined without comment.
Great Genij for giving me that info. I will test as soon as I am home. By the way: would /serversigns add <server> pex user <user> group set <group>
if group: Peasant and player: any player who clicks the sign translate to:
/serversigns add <server> pex user <user> group set Peasant
Other than that, thanks for all the support CalibeR and Genij
/serversigns add <server> pex user <user> group add <group>
This should work (ps this one adds another group to the user)
If you want the user to ONLY become an admin do this instead
/serversigns add <server> pex user <user> group set <group>
(also molenbouwer looking back on your command line. You send a /pex to the console. it should just be pex)
so promotion would look like:
/serversigns add <server> pex promote <user> [ladder]
as for a PB example:
/serversigns add <server> permissions player setgroup <user> <group>
I mean what is the full line you add to the Sign using PB
I don't know the exact command for PEX, sorry.
What would be the full command you add to the sign?
I always use PermissionsBukkit. If I want to promote someone i would not use the promote command. I would set him directly to a specified group. With PermissionsBukkit I would be a command like this:
/permissions player setgroup testplayer builder
Pex should have a command like that to set someones group directly.
What Permissions do you use? I do not exactly know what you are saying with the last message
I don't use PEX. Try it with directly set a rank with pex (and ServerSigns)
Basically, the way PEX promotes is that Guests cannot promote to Guests, Admins cannot promote to Admins and Mods cannot promote to Mods. However, this shouldn't be a problem because the command on the sign is being a server command, so the server promotes. Maybe I could join your server to see how things are set up?
can u execute the command without an error by yourself? I think you configured PEX wrong.
Thanks CalibeR50, I will test it out soon. (ain't home at this moment).
It says that the user cannot promote on that ladder. I know PEX is causing this, but it shouldn't because it's a server command.
hmm sorry, update your server to 1.0 first^^
What happens if you rightclick the sign?
@CalibeR50 PM'ed
should working, if not I'll look for it on your server (need IP)
Im trying to promote someone with serversigns using PEX I wonder if this is the correct way: command: /serversigns add <server> /pex promote <player> permission: /serversigns setpermission peasant
Guest group has serversigns.custom.peasant
Check out Version 1.5, you can use your button ;)
hmm, I don't understand you problem exactly. Can you give me you Server IP? I'll look for it.
Dude I blinking LOVE YOU!!
Finally a sign command plugin that supports PEX! AWESOME!
Just one small note, for some reason it seems to fire 2x when I rightclick it, so the first time the command runs and then I also get a "[ServerSigns] You dont have enough permissions" message.
The debug permissions (for a single rightclick) looks like this: 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "essentials.protect.ownerinfo", "essentials.protect.ownerinfo" found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "modifyworld.blocks.interact.signpost", "modifyworld.*" found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "serversigns.use", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "serversigns.admin", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "serversigns.use", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "serversigns.admin", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "tombstone.quickloot", "tombstone.quickloot" found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "lwc.admin", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "lwc.mod", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "lwc.admin", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "lwc.admin", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "lwc.mod", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "lwc.admin", no permission found 2011-11-26 22:51:28 [INFO] User Lipe123 checked for "lwc.mod", no permission found
Hi CalibeR50
Can you explain me this, pls:
serversigns.custom.<anything>: You can use signs wich requires permission <anything>
Could you give me an example how to use it? :-)