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What version of ServerSigns are you using?4.6.1
What server version (/version) are you using?Paper/Bukkit 1.16.3
Describe your issue/suggestion :
Ok so I im making a city where you can work and earn money. In one job there's a sign that says paycheck and it has a cooldown for 300 seconds (5 min) And now they can just go out of the job and do whatever they want for 5 min and then go back and earn the money for doing nothing. So I want to do if they click on the sign that takes them to work it resets the cooldown. But if I do /svs resetcooldowns <player> it reset it to 5 min but it lets the player take the money. How do I fix this? Please help as soon as possible, Thank you.NB: If it is an issue please provide logs error / screenshot that can support your words.
I don't quite understand your problem. Can you give me more details? Which plugin are you using?If you want to verify that the player has done the job at the end of the cooldown, you can add a check before giving the money.The resetcooldowns feature resets the cooldown as defined during setup. So this is normal behavior.
The plugins I use are: EssentialsX, Vault, LuckPers. I dont really have anything more to describe.
The best thing I could tell you is that you can join the server and then fix it over there. It would be the best thing to do. Ip:
I basically just want that the cooldown only goes down when your at work. Can you do that with server signs?
If not when else can I do?
The cooldown goes down alone, you can't interact with it to change it as you want.
The player must wait the end of the cooldown or you can reset it to default value (5 min for you) but you can't set it to zero for exemple.
But can I reset it to its default value (5 min) and then not let the player take the money? (like he has to wait again that would fix my problem)
If I cant what else can I do? there has to be another way.
And how do I make a check?
How you can verify that the player is making the job or not ?
Do you have a system of permission you give when he start to work ? or the player is teleported to a place to work ?
theres a region. I just want if the player is in the region then the cooldown will go down
and now when I type /svs add it doesnt work its like all the commands are gone. theres only 5 commands /svs import /svs option /svs resetcd /svs select and /svs timelimt
The cooldown is only here to prevent a player to click on the sign a second time during a specific period (cooldown).
You can't control the cooldown (like pause it).
If there is bug you can still do /svs void to undo setup actions that need a click on a sign.
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