ServerSigns v4.1
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UploadedAug 11, 2015
Size214.86 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- 1.8.3
- Version 4.1 - The Refining One
- Added /svs long (toggle) for long commands to be added to ServerSigns
- Fixed an issue which allowed 0x Air to be set as a price item using "/svs pi hand"
- Fixed an issue which caused some ServerSigns to be irremovable
- Added a version information message sent to developers on PlayerJoinEvent (if broadcast developers is enabled)
- Added textual highlighting to /svs list for ease of understanding
- Added held items & held item criteria information to /svs list
- Added loop information to /svs list
- Added <bcast> variable to commands which works the same as <msg> but the message is broadcast to the whole server
- Rewrote file name conversion code and bumped the persist-version to force it to recheck all existing files and fix any malformed file names
- Invalid files are now moved to the plugins/ServerSigns/signs/invalid directory once marked as invalid
- Completely rewrote config.yml and accompanying implementation; conversion should be automatic
- Added reflective method checks for NoCheatPlus hook to prevent older versions causing issues
- Fixed an issue which caused some signs to be copied incorrectly with /svs copy
- Fixed loop data & held item data not being copied with /svs copy
- Hopefully improved /reload stability by serializing metadata to prevent CCEs after reloading
- Made UUID conversion asynchronous; fixes server freeze/crash on startup for large servers when upgrading
- Improved time-related utilities (expiry messages will be more easily understandable, accurate and consistent)
- Expired cooldowns are now discarded on startup
- Added a config option to opt-out of metrics statistic gathering
- Version 4.0.1 - The Smallest One Yet
- Fixed an issue with languages.yml not loading DE messages.
- Version 4.0 - The Biggest One Yet
- The vast majority of the plugin has been rewritten for v4; I highly recommend you take a backup of your plugins/ServerSigns folder just in case!
- Improved the ServerSignsManager
- Cooldown data now uses UUIDs instead of player names
- Player tasks now use UUIDs for player lookup
- UUID updates break playerJoinTasks.yml (pending tasks)
- ItemStack <-> String functions entirely rewritten
- Fixed confirmation message not being saved correctly
- Greatly improved random number generation functions
- Per-command permissions added
- Added /svs loop <number of loops> <time between loops>
- Improved languages.yml integration
- Removed permission strings from file names for signs
- Added a persistence system version file in /plugins/ServerSigns/signs dir
- Added a config option to allow payments to be sent to a server bank
- languages.yml can now use colour codes freely
- Added optional NoCheatPlus hook to prevent chat_command violations during SVS execution
- Added /svs holding <hand|0|<item data...>>
- Added /svs hic <enchants> <lores> <name> <durability>
- Fixed permissions not being correctly applied using [p:]
- Added a <uuid> parameter for commands that is similar to <player> or <name> but prints their UUID
- Added "alternate_command_dispatching" configuration option; when enabled, commands will be executed using Player#chat(); function instead of Player#performCommand();
- Fixed confirmation messages not having colour codes translated
- Added "/svs resetcooldowns <player>" which resets all ServerSign cooldowns for a particular player
- Added a config option "blocked-commands" to specify commands which ServerSigns should not execute (like /op /deop)
- Version 3.1.1 - The Small One
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Tested to ensure 1.8+ compatibility
- Version 3.1.0 - The Long Awaited One
- Fixed a bug with granted permissions being removed from players who already had them
- Added safety catches for command executions, command tasks which fail to execute are reported
- Updated relevant methods to new Vault API standards
- Fixed a bug which caused all tasks to be skipped if the current task was not due for execution
- Fixed a bug which caused too many items to be removed with price items on ServerSigns (whole price item removal system re-written)
- Added some experimental features with random number generation (<r:X-Y> where X and Y are integers) for use in /svs add
- Various minor tweaks & improvements
- Preparation for a complete re-write of the plugin with version 4.0 (long overdue!)
- Version 3.0 - The Big One
- Added new QueueHandling system
- Queue handled on a separate server thread
- New queue order logic means commands are always executed in the correct order
- Much more efficient & greatly extended delayed task handling (delay up to 10 billion months)
- Commands can be delayed for seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months
- Use the old [d:X] system, adding s/m/h/d/w/mo to the end of X. For example: [d:10] would have a 10 second delay, and [d:25h] would have a 25 hour delay
- If a player is offline when a command needs to be executed on them, it will execute it the next time that player logs in
- Removed messages sent to players on log in if ServerSigns message tags are different to default
- Made Vault a requirement for permission based features
- Improvments to PriceItem - Warning: Price Items made before 2.8 will be broken with this update. Run version 2.9.1 first if you have this problem.
- Price items can be set based on item in hand with /svs pi hand
- Supports more meta data, also improved the "/svs pi <args>" command for setting price items manually
- Added PriceItem "search criteria" feature which allows admins to set whether or not ServerSigns will ignore the following when searching for matching price items: lores, names, enchantments. Each can be set separately, so could be set to ignore enchantments, but still check names and lores
- Command: /svs pic <ignore item enchantments?> <ignore item lores?> <ignore item name?>
- Added /svs copy persist which allows admins to copy a sign and paste it multiple times without any extra commands (disable with the same command)
- Added /svs setcancel which allows you to set whether the PlayerInteractEvent for the interaction should be cancelled when the sign is activated. (True = cancelled)
- Added Config option "must_be_sneaking_to_destroy" - If set to true, admins must be sneaking to destroy ServerSigns
- Fixed bug that caused pressure plate ServerSigns to spam their attached commands
- Wide-spread code cleanup & reformatting
- Too Many tweaks and improvements to mention
- Added new QueueHandling system
- Version 2.9.1
- Compiled in Java 1.6
- Altered handling of temporary permission granting / removing via Vault (hopefully improve stability)
- Version 2.9
- Compiled in Java 1.7 [v2.9.1 is compiled in Java 1.6]
- added config option to change the colour of SVS messages and the SVS tag (messageTagColour: '&2' and messageColour: '&e')
- added config option to allow left-clicking of server signs to activate them (allowLeftClicking: false|true)
- added config option to have messages shown to players when their balances are changed (show_funds_removed_message: true|false)
- lanuage file can be changed for funds removed message
- added ability to set custom confirmation messages to players (/svs setconfirmation <true|fale> [message])
- fixed bug for offline servers that allowed players to bypass cooldowns
- set priority for onPlayerJoin event listener to lowest so that it can be easily overridden if so desired
- greatly improved price item system:
- new command: /svs priceitem <item-id> <amount> [name:&eexample name] [lore:&2example lore]
- added ability to set "displayname" and "lore" of price items required (both can be multiple words, not limited to just one word)
- changed system used for price items completely, including new storage method (old method is automatically transferred to new method)
- fixed various bugs
- Version 2.8
- added command to add an exp cost to use a server sign (/svs xp <levels>)
- added ability to change the "[ServerSigns]" tag in the config.yml (plugin will instead be announced to players when they log in)
- added config.yml option to disable the "execute command" console logging for server sign command execution
- added feature which shows the price items required to use a sign if a player doesn't have the right items
- added support for damage values in items for price item
- various bug fixes and minor alterations
- Version 2.7
- compiled in java 1.6
- added new "priceitem" command to remove items from player inventories (like svs cost)
- Version 2.6
- fixed errors
- compatible with Minecraft 1.4.7
- Version 2.5.2
- fixed error
- Version 2.5.1
- fixed error
- Version 2.5
- added command /svs reloadsigns to reload all signs in the signs folder
- /svs list will show additional information
- <group> will be replaced with the main permissions group (you'll need Vault for this)
- added command /svs resetallcd to reset all cooldowns on every ServerSign
- changed translation file (now named languages.yml)
- bug fixes
- Version 2.4.1
- <name> will be replaced with the player who clicked the sign (<player> will still work)
- little bugfix: OP's can execute signs with * instead of / without getting an error
- Version 2.4
- using vault for permissions grant system (you can still use the old system by disable it in the config)
- possibillity to promote the player to op and back by using * instead of / (/svs add *time day insted of /svs add /time day)
- fixed several problems with other protection plugins
- Version 2.3.1
- added Plugin Metrics to log ServerSign usage
- bug fixes
- Version 2.3
- increased max cooldown
- add -1 to blocks in config to enable all blocks
- Version 2.2
- new command: /svs copy copies a whole sign (including permissions, cooldown and stuff)
- new command: /svs resetcd resets the remaining cooldown
- Version 2.1
- fixed bug: No error will appear if converting from old to new storage
- colour support: Use Colour Codes to colour messages
- new feature: Use <blank> to provide a message without [ServerSigns] at the beginning.
- Version 2.0.2
- fixed bug: Commands will be executed in the right order now (thanks to WingedSpear)
- fixed bug: Old Permission grant system will work now (thanks to WingedSpear)
- Version 2.0.1
- fixed bug that plugin won't load if a signs.dat exists (thanks to extradessert)
- Version 2.0
- WARNING: Please read documentation again, major changes in the plugin!
- complete and much better rewrite of the plugin
- ServerSigns will be stored in yml files
- added feature to delay commands
- new permission grant system
- new command names
- better command handling
- removed feature to write commands on the sign itself (with [command])
- Version 1.9
- <chat> added to svs types. says line in the chat
- : can now be used in commands
- pressure plates can now use <player>
- buttons/preassure plates and redstone torches are now excluded from being redstone triggered
- using the new event system from bukkit
- player commands are now being send over chat to allow for alliasing (MCDocs for example)
- Version 1.8
- textmessage how much cooldown left (add <cooldown> in translation.yml)
- new command: /svs confirmation true / false
- Version 1.7
- If using the sign costs anything, the players have to confirm if they want to use the sign
- added permission serversigns.updatenotification to recieve update notifications for ServerSigns
- Version 1.6
- Vault support (You need it to use ServerSigns with any Economy plugin)
- posibillity to add infinite cooldown (value has to be lower then 0)
- automatic update check
- Version 1.5.2
- major bugfixes
- new translation file (german and english)
- change plugin language in config.yml
- permission grant updated to support more permission systems (like pex)
- added /svs reload command
- Version 1.5
- bug fix (thanks to Brustus)
- Added feature to let players execute commands without permissions
- You can use any block to create a ServerSign (define which block ID's in config)
- Enable or disable redstone support in the config
- Version 1.4.1
- Added 1.0 Support
- Version 1.4
- Added Redstone support
- new commands to list, edit or remove lines
- new cooldown feature (global or for every single player)
- Version 1.3
- minor bug fixex
- added support for iConomy 6
- added the posibillity to translate the plugin in config.yml
- Version 1.2
- new way of storing the signs (old methode don't work anymore.. You have to create all signs new, sorry)
- added new permissions:
- serversigns.use.playercommand: Let you use only ServerSigns without server commands
- serversigns.custom.<anything>: Let you use ServerSigns with set permission
- added new commands:
- /serversigns setpermission <anything>: Sets a permission to a sign
- /serversigns delpermission: Delete permission on the sign
- If you make a ServerSign with writing the command on the Sign, the sign will be saved in the new database as well
- Version 1.1
- added feature to write the command onto the sign (player and server command supported)
- added config file
- minor bug fixes
- Version 1.0
- release
A lack of client->server info can cause an issue where non-operator players cannot use ServerSigns within the spawn protection radius; setting the spawn protection radius to 0, or deleting the ops.json have been known to resolve this issue.