Supported Bukkit Versions
- Version 1.9
- <chat> added to svs types. says line in the chat
- : can now be used in commands
- pressure plates can now use <player>
- buttons/preassure plates and redstone torches are now excluded from being redstone triggered
- using the new event system from bukkit
- player commands are now being send over chat to allow for alliasing (MCDocs for example)
- Version 1.8
- textmessage how much cooldown left (add <cooldown> in translation.yml)
- new command: /svs confirmation true / false
- Version 1.7
- If using the sign costs anything, the players have to confirm if they want to use the sign
- added permission serversigns.updatenotification to recieve update notifications for ServerSigns
- Version 1.6
- Vault support (You need it to use ServerSigns with any Economy plugin)
- posibillity to add infinite cooldown (value has to be lower then 0)
- automatic update check
- Version 1.5.2
- major bugfixes
- new translation file (german and english)
- change plugin language in config.yml
- permission grant updated to support more permission systems (like pex)
- added /svs reload command
- Version 1.5
- bug fix (thanks to Brustus)
- Added feature to let players execute commands without permissions
- You can use any block to create a ServerSign (define which block ID's in config)
- Enable or disable redstone support in the config
- Version 1.4.1
- Version 1.4
- Added Redstone support
- new commands to list, edit or remove lines
- new cooldown feature (global or for every single player)
- Version 1.3
- minor bug fixex
- added support for iConomy 6
- added the posibillity to translate the plugin in config.yml
- Version 1.2
- new way of storing the signs (old methode don't work anymore.. You have to create all signs new, sorry)
- added new permissions:
- serversigns.use.playercommand: Let you use only ServerSigns without server commands
- serversigns.custom.<anything>: Let you use ServerSigns with set permission
- added new commands:
- /serversigns setpermission <anything>: Sets a permission to a sign
- /serversigns delpermission: Delete permission on the sign
- If you make a ServerSign with writing the command on the Sign, the sign will be saved in the new database as well
- Version 1.1
- added feature to write the command onto the sign (player and server command supported)
- added config file
- minor bug fixes
- Version 1.0