With this Plugin you can change the boring standard Messages/Commands from Bukkit (like say, whitelist,...). Also this plugin adds useful commands for your server to manage and own it. You can change the Join and Quit message. Some of the new commands are /announce, /news or /cc. A full list of the commands you can see down.
- Change Join, Quit Message
- Change FirstJoin Mesage
- The default bukkit Command looks better than the normal
- Big Configurations, where you can Disable/Enable all Commands
- Configurate the most Messages of the Plugin
- ...
- /say <message> - The Say Command with Colors and more
- /whitelist <on/off/list/reload> - The Whitelist Command with Colors and more
- /announce <message> - To Announce news
- /gamemode <gamemode> [Player | all] - Set the Gamemode
- /news - Shows the Server news
- /op [Player | all] - Op a Player/the hole Server
- /deop [Player | all] - DeOP a Player/the hole Server
- /cc - Cleares the Global Chat
- /pcc - Cleares his own Chat
- /smp - ServerMessagesPlus Informations and Commands
more coming soon like /op, /weather, /ban, /kick ...
- ServerMessages+.Command.Say - Need to use the say Command
- ServerMessages+.Command.Whitelist.* - Need to use the Whitelist Command
- ServerMessages+.Command.Whitelist.Reload
- ServerMessages+.Command.Whitelist.On
- ServerMessages+.Command.Whitelist.Off
- ServerMessages+.Command.Whitelist.List
- ServerMessages+.Command.Whitelist.Add
- ServerMessages+.Command.Whitelist.Remove
- ServerMessages+.Command.Announce - Need to use the Announce Command
- ServerMessages+.Command.Gamemode.* - Need to use the Gamemode Command
- ServerMessages+.Command.Gamemode.Survival
- ServerMessages+.Command.Gamemode.Creative
- ServerMessages+.Command.Gamemode.Adventure
Metrics This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Awesome plugin! Is there a way to get this plugin working on Spigot 1.8.7? That would be great.