Config Explanation

Motd - Message

    Regulars: '&2Welcome back, &e%player%&2! %line%&aIt''s a %weather% %time%.'
    Newbies: '&2Welcome newbie! %line%&aIt''s a %weather% %time%.'
  • Regulars: This is the message a player will see, when his/ her IP is listed (Server recognize a player by his/her IP)
  • Newbies: This is the message a player will see, when his/her IP is NOT listed. (IP/Player never joined the server before)
  • Available variables: %player% (output: players name), %line% (add second line to motd), %weather% (output: weather from defined world), %time% (output: time from defindes world)

Motd - TimeVariable

    NightText: night
    DayText: day
    World: world
  • NightText: This text will fill the %time% variable in the motd when it's night. (for creativity)
  • DayText: This text will fill the %time% variable in the motd when it's day. (for creativity)
  • World: change world to your world name. (To get the time from it)

Motd - WeatherVariable

    RainText: rainy
    SunText: clear
    World: world
  • RainText: This text will fill the %weather% variable in the motd when it rains. (for creativity)
  • SunText: This text will fill the %weather% variable in the motd when it's sunny. (for creativity)
  • World: change world to your world name. (To get the weather from it)

Motd - Slots - FakeMaxPlayer

      Enable: false
      Number: 200
  • Enable: Change to true if you want to change your slots (fake).
  • Number: This number will be the fake slots number.

Motd - Slots - FakeOnlinePlayer

      Enable: false
      Number: 122
        Max: 20
        Min: 15
  • Enable: Change to true if you want to change your online players number(fake).
  • Number: This number will be the fake online player number.
  • RandomNumber: The following numbers will define an interval to create a random number for the %random% variable. This can be used to create a changing online player number (in the VersonText)
  • Max: The highest number %random% can be.
  • Min: The lowest number %random% can be.

Motd - Slots - VersionText

      Enable: false
      Message: '&aJoin now!  &e%random%/%realslots%'
  • Enable: Change to true if you want to set your VersionText (replace Slots, imitate the outdated server status). This will ignore your fake/real settings you did above.
  • Message: This message will replace the slots.
  • Available variables: %random% (generate a random number between max/min every ping), %realslots% (slots from the, %realonline% (real amount of online players), %fakeslots%(number of slots you defindes above), %fakeonline% (number of online players you definded above)

Motd - Slots - UnknownSlots

      Enable: false
  • Enable: #Change this to true if you want to replace your slots with 3 grey question marks.

AutoSaveConfig - IntervallInMin

  IntervalInMin: 30
  • IntervallInMin: This will save the player data (IP,Name,UUID) every 30 min to the files (IP_UUID.dat/UUID_NAME.dat).
  • These informations are essentials for the %player% variable

RestrictedMode - Enable

  Enable: false
  • Enable: Enable this if you want the Server seems to be offline for players without OP or permissions. Good for maintenance!

RestrictedMode - Motd

    AccessGranted: '&4Server is in restricted mode! You are able to join.'
    AccessDenied: '&4Can''t connect to server.'
  • AccessGranted: This is the motd for players with OP or permissions. (ServerlistMOTD.restricted.join)
  • AccessDenied: This is the motd for players without OP or permssions.

RestrictedMode - Slots

    VersionText: ''
  • VersionText: This removes the slots with blank space (when there is nothing between quotes)

RestrictedMode - KickMessage

KickMessage: ' Connection timed out: no further information:'
  • KickMessage: This is the kick message for players without OP or permission when they try to join the server in Restricted Mode.


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