[1.7/1.8]ServerlistMOTD v5.0
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UploadedJul 23, 2015
Size44.49 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- 1.8
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
This plugin requires ProtocolLib!
ProtocolLib for 1.7: Download
ProtocolLib for 1.8: Download
Tested with Spigot 1.8.x [✔️]
Tested with CB 1.7.10 [✔️]
Tested with CB 1.7.9 [✔️]
Tested with CB 1.7.2 [✔️]
Tested with CB 1.6.x [❓] (Test it yourself)
You need promotion for you server? PM me and I will add your server to this plugin page!
- You don't have to delete your old config.
- added new variable for MOTDs: %money% (only with Vault!)
- added HoverText (when hovering with mouse over slots)
- ONLY AVAILABLE IN 1.8! (feature is deactivated for 1.7 users)
- added random MOTDs (create as many as you want!)
-> As many MOTDs as you want!
-> Variables: %player%, %money%, %line%, %weather%, %time%
Planned features:
- variables for HoverText
- VanishNoPacket support