ServerEvents.xml Turned to One Line #3

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Assigned to brettflan
  • _ForgeUser15830800 created this issue Jul 28, 2014

    What is the issue?
    I went to edit my ServerEvents.xml in Notepad ++, and it turned into just one line. The whole file is in one line. That makes it very hard to edit it.

    Please provide any additional information below.
    Is there some action I did to make it turn into a single line file? Is there some action I can do to turn it back to being multi-lined? The only thing I can think to do is download the original and re-edit it to my specifications.
    I am uploading my current xml file.

  • _ForgeUser15830800 added the tags New Other Jul 28, 2014
  • _ForgeUser15830800 added an attachment server_events.xml Jul 28, 2014


  • Brettflan posted a comment Jul 28, 2014

    Notepad++ is an excellent text editor.

    I'm guessing you or somebody else opened and then saved the file in regular Notepad in Windows or a similar text editor which only understands Windows line endings, resulting in the line endings being lost when it was saved.

    Since you use Notepad++, you can use its "Replace" functionality to search for the places where line endings are missing (like between closing and opening brackets ">        <"), set "Search Mode" to "Extended" at the bottom left of the Replace form, and stick "\n" in the replace string where you want the newline added (like ">\n        <"). You'd need to do that a few times to cover the different indentations, but it does the trick.

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