ServerStarter(Version 1.1 Alpha).jar


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  • Uploaded
    May 13, 2012
  • Size
    8.65 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.2.5-R1.0


Server Starter Alpha

A terminator337 minecraft plugin

General Information

This is the first uploaded version of my plugin and therefore is the least functional. I have started my task of beating essentials by making a simpler plugin that does the same tasks. As of now we have six commands which are listed under the Plugin's description. If you want a certain feature added, please PM me or comment on this plugin and I will add that command if possible. Yes, permissions are coming, eventually...


1.0) Initial release! Information is on the main plugin page

1.1)I kicked myself for this, I had the /heal command ready in the last but uploaded the version without it! So, here is /heal


/settime <An hour in the day 1 - 24> This might be a little harder than I thought it would be but, I can do it

This is the first version of the program but there are no problems atm other than one: When using any command that requires more than one player, if that player is offline, it says something like: An internal error occurred... and I will attempt to make it say: One or more players in your command is offline.