Arena Set-Up

How to set-up your arena?

Here below you can find a explanation for making a SeekAndHide arena.

1. Select your region.
Execute the command: /seekandfind wand
You get a wand tool to select an arena with left- and right-clicking. (Same like WorldEdit)

2. Define your arena.
Execute the command: /seekandfind create <arena name>
Creates the arena with the given name.
Note: Case sensitive.

3. Set warps.
Execute the commands:
/seekandfind setwarp lobby <arena name>
/seekandfind setwarp arena <arena name>
For the Lobby (wait room before start.) and Arena (arena where people need to find it.).
Note: Case sensitive.

4. Set settings.
Execute the commands:
/seekandfind set players <max amount of players> <arena name>
/seekandfind set minplayers <minimal amount of players before arena starts> <arena name>
Note: Case sensitive.

5. (Optional) Place signs.
Explanation for making signs is on the main page.

6. (Optional) Enjoy!
Join your arena with /seekandfind join <arenaname>
Note: Case sensitive.

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