Suggestion: Additional Snow Options #108

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7458855
  • _ForgeUser254627 created this issue Jul 11, 2013

    Since Seasons/SnowManager have so much to do with modifying Minecraft's weather, it makes sense to include a lot of options for snow effects. These effects are possible, since other plugins have done so successfully. It is create for the server admins, since it would mean they would only need 1 plugin to manage the snow on their server, instead of several.

    I'd like to see SnowManager add the following snow options:

    1) Snow falls through leaves to pile under the leaves. (SnowControl)

    2) Snow accumilates into piles of various heights (SnowControl)

    3) Walking on snow layers (not blocks) packs it down to nothing (CraftBook)

    4) Breaking blocks under snow layers cause them to fall and pile up on the block below. (SnowControl)

  • _ForgeUser254627 added the tags New Enhancment Jul 11, 2013

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