Latest video:
- See the Videos page for full list of demonstration & tutorial videos.
Latest Version
- Create scrollable command menus with one or more sign, map, multisign, inventory, hologram or spout views. Or trigger your menus with redstone signals or even from any held item.
- Scroll through views with right-click, execute the selected command with left-click (configurable)
- Sophisticated command parser/executor - permission elevation, command costs (items/durability/economy/food/health/xp), player/group/world restrictions, variable substitutions...
- Commands can have warm-ups and cooldowns
- Macros - run multiple commands or display large text blocks with one click
- Build a hierarchy of menus using Submenus
- Flexible Access Control gives you private menus and views, or limited to permission groups.
- External scripting language support allowing unlimited flexibility in what menu commands can do
- Sign & multisign views can produce Redstone Output when scrolled or executed
- Redstone Control Signs allow remote scrolling & execution via redstone signals for sign & multisign views
- Permissions support via Bukkit superperms
- Command Logging lets you keep an audit trail of who's executed what commands from SMS menus
- Multi-world support: menus can have views in any number of worlds
- Full coloured/bold/italic/underline/strikethrough text support on menu titles, items and messages
- Configure menus or menu items to have a limited number of uses, either per-player or globally
- Comprehensive tab completion for all commands
- Optional Spout support
Possible Applications
- A menu of station setting commands for Minecart Mania (this is what inspired me to write the plugin in the first place!)
- Newbie user guide menus
- Warp menus for your favourite teleportation plugin
- A basic shop menu - buy/sell/swap items & credits
- Controlled access to commands that users can't normally run
- Item reward menus with limited usage count
- Traps built from redstone views and/or scripts
- Super-convenient game mode (survival/creative) changer with map and/or spout views
Pretty simple:
- Copy ScrollingMenuSign.jar into your server's
folder - Optional: install Vault for economy command costs and/or permission group support.
- Optional: install ProtocolLib to make active items glow.
- Restart or reload your server.
That's it. ScrollingMenuSign will automatically create a folder called bukkit/plugins/ScrollingMenuSign
when it first runs. All data related to the plugin is stored in here.
- Quickstart Guide
- Command Reference
- Permissions support
- The Configuration File
- The Command Parser
- Submenus
- Warmups and Cooldowns
- Popup Messages
- View Types
- Redstone Output
- Macros
- Menu Item Tooltips
- User Variables
- Command Logging
- Setting usage limits on menus & menu items
- Redstone Control Signs
- Spout Support
- Using External Scripting Languages
- API: Managing ScrollingMenuSign menus from scripts or other plugins
Development Versions
Development versions can be downloaded from this Jenkins build server. Notes:
- Development versions have not been approved by staff
- Development versions may be buggy or fail to work completely. Only use development versions if you a) want to help with finding bugs, or b) have been asked to, to test a bugfix.
Usage Statistics
Since SMS v1.3.0, fully anonymous usage statistics are collected using MCStats:
If you wish to opt out of MCStats metrics collection, edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml
and change opt-out: false to true.
If you use and enjoy ScrollingMenuSign, you are welcome to make a donation by clicking the "Donate" button at the top right. However, donations are strictly optional, and don't confer any special benefits over non-donors.
I'm not seeing any hit-box glitchiness, really - just tested with an 8-line public hologram and it scrolls fine. But if there is glitching, I'm going to have to blame HoloAPI :)
Your pointer scrolling suggestion is already in there - type
/sms set scroll_type page
and you will get the behaviour you want. More information on the scroll_type config setting can be found in Configuration.@woeterman94
I've created to track this - please take a look at the ticket and follow the instructions there.
Thanks! That fixed it. I can scroll through the menu now, but I noticed that hologram views with more than 4 lines have glitchy hit-boxes for scrolling. Is this a limitation on your end?
EDIT: Also, a suggestion: Would it be possible to implement pointer scrolling as opposed to element scrolling? I found that larger lists can be disorienting when elements scroll through.
There's something bad in showing "empty" slots in menu. On show (command /skilltree show View Nick show GUI to player, error is in viewing, not in command). I have a lot of structures like this:
Line in your code when error appear is:
So something wrong is with labels. Can you tell me what (and also can you "cut" empty slots to only need icon: AIR instead of entire structure)?
Yes, that's what I meant, thanks!
However, the signs are not working on my server. (I cannot scroll or activate them) Does it have anything to do with PEX? How can I solve it?
Looks like you have an outdated version of HoloAPI that doesn't support touch holograms. I suggest trying the latest dev version from - it's working well for me here.
I'm getting an error when creating a hologram. I have CB 1.7.9 R2.
Steps to reproduce: (1) /sms create Menu Menu. (2) /sms add Menu option1 "/list" (3) /sms add Menu option2 "/toggledownfall" (4) /sms sync Menu -holopri (5) /sms view Menu-1 -popup
Result: In chat: "An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" In console:
New Major Release
SMS v3.0.1 has been released, major update with many changes.
Big new feature: hologram views! Both public views for all to interact, and private per-player views.
Note that this release is only supported on 1.7.9-based servers.
When you say "control", do you mean configure the sign views, or just use them? I probably need to have a better understanding of what you're trying to achieve to answer your question fully.
There is Access Control where you can define the access for a menu or view; you can restrict certain menus and views to be usable by only the person who created them, or by a certain permission group (if you have Vault).
Can you give user specific permissions for different signs?
For example when you want users to control one sign at spawn but not the signs at the shop.
That certainly won't work at this point. It would require a parser rewrite and multiple passes of the substitution handler to make work, which I'm wary of doing for performance reasons. But I'll have a think about it and see if I can come up with something.
Also, is there possibility to use "variable in variable" e.g.
I want to avoid big mess with using ScrollingMenuSign (I tried to use them for about 2 hours, it's really a lot of work, look also here) and edit lore of player directly. If you expand UserVariable API - then I choose this way.
If by "event" you mean Bukkit events, then an InventoryOpenEvent should be fired, since the inventory view is represented by an inventory window. There's no special hook called by SMS, though.
What are you trying to achieve here?
Which event is executed on InventoryView open?
I just forget about this change (plugin doesn't make acutal this thing), sorry and thanks.
That error is actually fixed in the latest dev (and the just-uploaded v3.0.0 release).
As for the icon not showing, I thought I'd fixed that months ago. Make sure your config.yml has:
(and not "wooden_door" - see
Now I have problem with Submenus (InventoryView): The doors don't show, but if you click, you'll get this message
Hi, neither of those are really possible at this time: