view-types/Multisign Views

Multisign Views

Multisign views are new in v1.3.0. They behave very much like basic sign views, but can be an arbitrary number of signs wide or high. This can be very useful if you want to display more than the usual 3 items at a time, or would like to allow for longer menu item labels than a single sign allows.

A multisign view, which is 3 signs wide and 2 signs high


To do anything with multisign views, you must have the scrollingmenusign.use.multisign permission node. This node is granted to all players by default (and is included in the scrollingmenusign.user parent node). Further permission nodes are needed to create or remove a multisign view - see the next two sections.

Creating a Multisign View

To create a multi-sign view:

  1. Place a rectangular array of signs on a wall (they must be wall signs - floor signs are not supported by this view type). The array can be any width and height (within reason), but must be properly rectangular, and not have any missing signs.
  2. Look at any of the signs in the array, and type /sms sync <menu-name> -multi

The sign array will now update to display the menu contents of <menu-name>, and can be scrolled and executed just like an ordinary sign view.

You will need the scrollingmenusign.commands.sync permission node to do this (scrollingmenusign.admin includes this)

Removing a Multisign View

You can do this in two ways:

  • Look at any sign of the multisign array, and type /sms break
  • Type /sms break <view-name> where <view-name> is the name of the view, as reported by /sms list <menu-name>

You will need the scrollingmenusign.commands.break permission node to do this (scrollingmenusign.admin includes this)


Multisign views do their best to preserve markup (colour and font style changes) across signs, but there is a limitation of 15 characters per sign. Every colour code you use must be repeated in any signs to the right of the first sign on which the codes appear. E.g. if your label is "&1&LThis is some blue bold text", four characters will be used from every sign in that row, allowing only 11 displayable characters per sign. This can lead to unexpectedly few characters showing on signs (the menu title in the picture above is a good example).

Centered and right-justified (see the title_justify and item_justify view attributes below) menu titles and items can also behave oddly (format badly, lose trailing characters) in multisign views due to the difficulty of calculating sign contents with non-printable colour codes.

The upshot is: use control codes sparingly in menus that you want to display on multi-sign views, especially if you use centered or right-justification.


See Usage/Managing Views for information on viewing and changing view attributes.

Multisign views support the following attributes:

accessAccess control for the view; one of ANY, OWNER, or GROUPANY
item_justifyJustification for the menu items in this view; one of LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER or DEFAULT. A value of DEFAULT means to use the global item_justify configuration itemDEFAULT
max_title_linesDefines the maximum number of lines the menu title is allowed to occupy on this view0 (meaning use global max_title_lines config setting)
ownerThe name of the owning player.Player who created the view
rsoutputmodeControls how any attached output levers are toggled - one of SELECTED, TOGGLE, PULSE, PULSEANY or RADIO. See Redstone OutputSELECTED
scroll_typeScrolling type for this view, one of SCROLL, PAGE or DEFAULTDEFAULT (meaning use global scroll_type config setting)
title_justifyJustification for the menu title in this view; one of LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER or DEFAULTDEFAULT (meaning use global title_justify config setting


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