usage/Adding Views

Adding Views

Sign Views

To add a new sign view to an existing menu, use /sms sync <menu-name> while looking at the sign you want to add. menu-name is the unique name of the menu you are adding the view to.

Multisign Views

To add a new multisign view to an existing menu, create a rectangular array of signs, then use /sms sync <menu-name> -multi while looking at any of the signs in the array.

Map Views

To add a new map view to an existing menu, use /sms sync <menu-name> while holding the map you want to add as a menu view. Alternatively:

  • use /sms give map <menu-name>, or
  • hold a map, and hit a sign which is already a view for the menu.

Inventory Views

To add a new inventory view to an existing menu, use /sms sync <menu-name> -inv. Alternatively:

  • use /sms give book <menu-name>, or
  • hold a book and quill item, and hit (left-click) a sign which is already a view for the menu. An inventory view for the menu will be automatically created (if one didn't already exist), and your book and quill will be converted to a written book which when clicked, will pop up the view window.

Spout Views

To add a new Spout view to an existing menu, use /sms sync <menu-name> -spout.

Redstone Views

To add a new redstone view to an existing menu, look at the block you want to add for redstone monitoring, and use /sms sync <name> -redstone.

Choosing the View Name

By default, a view name based on the menu name and a unique numeric index will be used for any new views that are created. However, you may wish to use your own view name, e.g. if you have a menu command which manipulates a particular view (view auto-creation/deletion). In this case, you can use /sms sync <menu-name> -viewname <desired-view-name>. You can use this option in conjunction with any of the view type options above.


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