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Hello ! Does this plugin has ability to hide some Menu that player doesn't has it ? It would be more fun in unlocking the menu ! :P (Ex: Skill Menu : list the skills you have) Thank you .
Hi, do you mean to hide certain menu items in a menu? And would that be based on a permission node that the player has? That would work well for map view & inventory views, but sign views are the same for all players, so it wouldn't work there...
Still, the idea of having an optional permission node for each menu item is an interesting one...
<<reply 1909582>>
Yes , I want to let the permission node control the menu items selection, I'm still learning how to make the hideen feature work on the map. XD Thanks
In the next release, each menu item can have its own permission node (added with -perm <node> when creating or editing a menu item). The player must have that node to execute the menu item, and for map/spout/inventory views, will not even be able to see the item label/tooltip without the node - a default label of ??? will be shown (adjustable via the hidden_menuitem_text config setting.
-perm <node>
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