ScrollingMenuSign v1.1.5
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UploadedFeb 17, 2012
Size190.08 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.1-R4
ScrollingMenuSign v1.1.5
- Fixed bug with redstone views where interactions (left/right clicks) on levers & buttons were being ignored.
- If you're using PermissionsEx (PEX) you will need to use PEX 1.16 or 1.17. 1.15 or earlier will not work at all and 1.18 has a serious bug where permission node defaults (as defined in a plugin's plugin.yml) are ignored. I will not be accepting any permission-related problem reports if you're running PEX 1.18. (This problem is apparently fixed in PEX build #327 but I haven't tested it and there isn't a 1.19 release out yet)
- When using Spout, maps which are map views won't have their item name (tooltip) changed to match the menu title, due to a bug in Spoutcraft (Spoutcraft currently throws an NPE if you try to rename an item) -