ScrollingMenuSign v0.8.4
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UploadedOct 23, 2011
Size149.71 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1337
- CB 1317
- CB 1240
v0.8.4 (23 Oct 2011)
- Fixed error reporting if the last command in a macro led to a an error, e.g. a cost was not met. Previously the error status was ignored.
- Fixed "$$$" being wrongly picked up in a macro command if the command did not get run due a cost or restriction not being met.
- ScrollingMenuSign only supports superperms plugins (PermissionsBukkit, PermissionsEx, bPermissions, zPermissions). Permissions 2.x/3.x is no longer supported.
- If you're using PermissionsEx (PEX) and CB 1317, be sure to use PEX 1.15. Earlier releases will not work on CB 1317. If PEX and ScrollingMenuSign both throw a NPE when starting up, you don't have the latest version of PEX and need to upgrade.