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Scrolling Sign Warp
Scrolling Sign Warp is a brand new sign warp plugin that scrolls for you to select the location.
setwarp:description:Set a warpusage:/setwarpaliases:/swdelwarp:description:Delete a warpaliases:/dwpermissions:lwarps.setwarp:description:Allows Player to make a warp.lwarps.createsign:description:Allows Player to make a warp sign.
as of right now, im pulling this plugin. while you have fixed the conflict with the essentials warp command, currrently there is a an agravating behaviour where existing essentials sign warps (which have several advantages over yours, and are, well, essential) are becoming transformed into YOUR sign when they are right click, or perhaps even at creation. what im saing is you are ruining the essentials signs.
have you never used essentials before? can you please change the sign mask from [Warp] to [Warps]
Upon receiving the player interact event check for appropriate permissions for the current selected area, perms can be defined in configs, for example signwarp.arena and if the player does not have said permissions just dont teleport them ?
thats nice... but when i want to create a warp in essentials it still overides the /setwarp command... your answer is the best solution... please change you're command or make it configurable to use the full command or only the allias (/sw,/dw...)
Have to created a newer version or is this discontinued? Would love this on my 1.15.2 Server.
a download ?
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Video Tutorial on the Plugin
Credits Video: (AbsintoJ/Scrolling Sign Warp)
I made a tutorial in Spanish for this plugin: D could put it on your page? : D
Looks like the command:
/setwarp {warp_name}
is wrong. Use:
/set-warp {warp_name}
instead. Apart from that: Great plugin!
VERY NICE CONCEPT. Only thing missing is charge of cost to warp or is this possible?
Uploaded new version,
as of right now, im pulling this plugin. while you have fixed the conflict with the essentials warp command, currrently there is a an agravating behaviour where existing essentials sign warps (which have several advantages over yours, and are, well, essential) are becoming transformed into YOUR sign when they are right click, or perhaps even at creation. what im saing is you are ruining the essentials signs.
have you never used essentials before? can you please change the sign mask from [Warp] to [Warps]
Upon receiving the player interact event check for appropriate permissions for the current selected area, perms can be defined in configs, for example signwarp.arena and if the player does not have said permissions just dont teleport them ?
Sincerly Silent.
Hi, I am sorry I cant do this as the sign is updated with all the locations that have been set and not certain ones for certain players.
Add a permission where so for example.. u can warp to spawn. but not arena.
Just changed the commands to /set-warp and /del-warp, /sw and /dw are still the same.
thats nice... but when i want to create a warp in essentials it still overides the /setwarp command... your answer is the best solution... please change you're command or make it configurable to use the full command or only the allias (/sw,/dw...)
Would be nice from you because its a good plugin!
Sincerly, ZPremio
I am running this plugin on my server, and I have not had this problem, trying deleting your config and restarting the server.
Can you please send your server log if there were any errors in the the console.
Something weird happens, when I right click it, instead of scrolling it does this. (picture)
and it started out like this [Warp] 1 2
You can use /sw for my plugin.
could you possibly make it another command.. this conflicts with essentials