
List of option you can use...

(without quotation marks)

create @command /command
Use this option if you just want to bind a simple command without bypass or anything to a block !
Permission Tag: "command"

create @say "blablabla"
When the player will trigger a script with this option, "blablabla" will be sent to the chat like it was the player who said it !
Permission Tag: "say"

create $cost:"TheCost"
This option allow you to add a cost into the script, and to cancel the following of the script if the player don't have enough money.
Permission Tag: "cost"

create $item:id amount
This option allow you to add an item cost into the script. if the player doesn't have the required items, the script will be cancelled !
Thanks to yuhhaur for his help !

Note that you can also add metadata infos: "$item:id:metadata amount"
example: "create $item:35:15 10"
With this exemple, we will add a cost of ten black wool !
Permission Tag: "itemcost"

create @player "text"
on the script bound block click, this, send the message "text" to a player.
Permission Tag: "toplayer"

create @bypass /command
this option will bypass the permission of the related command for the player who click on the scripted block.
To use it you need to activate Ops in your permission config !
( Note that only Ops can Bind "@bypass Op's commands" to a block . (Like /stop, /op, /save, etc.... )
Permission Tag: "bypass_op"

create @bypassGROUP:"groupName" "/command"
This will promote the player to the specified group to use the specified command and when it's done remove the player from the group. ( This is far more heavier in ressources than the simple @bypass command, I recommand you to use a delay after this to prevent player from spam hit the script and consequently lag your server... I also recommend to create specified groups for this plugin. Promoting to an Admin group is dangerous... )
Permission Tag: "bypass_group"

create @bypassPERM:"permissionNode" "/command"
This will add to the player the specified permission to perform the specified command, and remove it when the command is done.
Permission Tag: "bypass_perm"

create @group:"groupName"
when the script reach this line, It check if the player is in the specified group, and if not... it stop the script ! I recommand to use it at the beginning of your script .
Permission Tag: "group"

create @perm:"permissionNode"
when the script reach this line, It check if the player have the specified permission, and if not... it stop the script ! I recommand to use it at the beginning of your script .
Permission Tag: "permission"

create @groupADD:"groupName"
Add the player to the specified group.
Permission Tag: "group_add"

create @groupREMOVE:"groupName"
Remove the player from the specified group.
Permission Tag: "group_remove"

create @permADD:"permName"
Add permission node to the player. (it will add it for your current world only...)
Permission Tag: "perm_add"

create @permADD:"worldName/permName"
Add permission node to the player for the specified world.
Permission Tag: ""perm_add

create @permREMOVE:"permName"
Remove permission node from the player.
Permission Tag: "perm_remove"

create @cooldown:"time in minutes"
This option let you add a cooldown to your script ! The time remaining is saved when server shut down !
Permission Tag: "cooldown"

create @delay:"time in seconds"
This option let you adds delay in your script ! you can also use it as a short cooldown !
Permission Tag: "delay"

create @amount:"number"
This option will remove the script when the "number" parameter has reach zero ! You should add it at the end of the script.
Permission Tag: "amount"

The <player> option
if you insert this in a command, it will be replaced by the player name

To Add Colors to your scripts, You can follow the instruction posted by IronManiac72 at this link !

Various Examples:

/sbwalk create @player Beware ... you are followed by a shadow...
/sbinteract create @bypass /give diamond
/sbwalk add [/broadcast God is now, really UPSET !!!!] [/weather stormy]
/sbinteract create [@group:VIP] [$cost:75] [@bypass /i diamond] [@cooldown:5]
/sbinteract create [@bypass /i ironsword] [@bypass /spawnmob zombies 10] [@delay:120] [@bypass /spawnmob skeleton 5]


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