
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

The Purpose Of Scrapz

Have you ever logged on to a server thinking "Grrrr, I don't have a good sword!' Your worries are over! With this new development, our goal is to allow default users to change their sword to a better sword but with some pro's and con's.

How Does This Work?

So let's start off with a general idea. What many users want on a server is a brand new diamond sword. sadly, it won't be brand new because their is pro's and con's. BUT... you still get to have that diamond sword but with damage. Want to generate a full gold sword to a diamond one? Now you can. By entering a simple command, you may change a sword, axe, pickaxe... etc, to a different one. E.X. You have a gold sword with no damage, and you want a diamond sword. Enter the command and it exchanges your gold sword with a diamond one. The only thing with that though, is that your diamond sword will be damaged because it evens the amount of how well the gold sword works with the Diamond sword. By generating a gold sword to a diamond sword, the diamond sword will be at the position where it has red bars, not green. This means it will almost finish.


The benefits of this are that you get your favourite sword and you can also heal the sword(On Your Own)


/changecombattool (Change the tool in hand to a new one by Id)

All your entering Is the simple command, then entering the id of the new combat tool.

Admin Commands

/addcostcombattool (Id of combat tool)


- change.combat.tool

Admin Perms

- addcost.combat.tool

NOTE: This Makes The Users Have To Buy Their New Sword. Price Varies On What They Make It!


Pictures Will Be Released Soon.


Afterall, your users will be happy with their new combat/tool item. With these simple commands and permissions, you will have a successful and entertaining server!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 24, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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