This plugin is compatible with HealthBar, ColoredTags, Ghost Player and all other scoreboard plugins.
Just enable compatibilityMode in the configuration and install ProtocolLib. For normal use ProtocolLib is NOT required.
You don't need a database for all these features
- Much better performance (since 0.7)
- All versions of ScoreboardStats supports all Minecraft versions above 1.5
- Optimized for all kinds of servers.
- Fast support on every question
- Support UTF-8 characters like the hearts Click here:
- Many variables Click here:
- fully configurationable
- PvP can also be displayed on Signs Click here:
- Support SQL-Databases
- No database required unless you don't want this plugin to track pvpstats
- The Player can see his own stats (Kills/Deaths) with the Scoreboard on the right side
- You can disable the scoreboard for custom worlds
Variables for all the following plugin:
- mcMMO
- Economy
- Heroes
- Factions
- SimpleClans
- uSkyBlock
- and many more coming soon
Please use the Tickets for any issues, errors or suggestions.
- Download it
- drop it in your /plugins/ folder
- start your server
- join the server and..
- That's it
- All variables can be found here:
Command | Description | Aliases |
/sidebar | Toggle (show or hide) the scoreboard on the right side | side, scoreboardstats, sb toggle |
/sidebar reload | Reload the configuration | side reload, scoreboardstats reload, sb reload |
For plugin developers/API
See the wiki on Github:
Permission | Description |
scoreboardstats.use | General permission. Without that the scoreboard will not be displayed for the player |
scoreboardstats.command.toggle | Toggle the sidebar |
scoreboardstats.reload | With this permission a player can reload the configuration |
scoreboardstats.sign | Only player with this permission can create signs that displays the kills, deaths, etc. |
You don't have to decompile the plugin. You can find there the source code with comments and building utilities.
ScoreboardStats is open source and hosted on GitHub; feel free to fork, star, or contribute by making pull requests and opening issues.
- This plugin uses an Auto-updater. if you don't want an automatically update. Disable it in the configuration.
- The updater only utilize the api of curse/dev.bukkit, so you don't get an unapproved version. Every file providing there is accepted by the devBukkit staff
- I can upload a new version with bug fixes where you don't have to download it, the plugin can do it for you automatically.
- The updater only runs on plugin startup, and then as a seperate thread, so it doesn't really affect your startup time.
- Every file there equals the files on this page.
Compatibility with older minecraft versions
As you can see on file list there are selected three versions. These version numbers are for the Minecraft versions. Lowest test version, mid version and the highest tested version. That means that you should always use the latest version of ScoreboardStats although you use an old Minecraft version. It's very hard to use all versions at once, so please use the newest version of ScoreboardStats.
how to put on the sidebar the top kills
playerA 2
playerB 1
like that lol
Hey, just downloaded this plugin, how do I set the permissions so players see the scoreboard? Also, is there a way to set a strict order for the scoreboard? Right now, whatever stat is the biggest goes to the top.
I love this plugin just sucks its not being worked on anymore. :(
In reply to Jim_Sim:
I'll check if I find some time to update it.
[23:38:27 WARN]: [ScoreboardStats] Task #5454 for ScoreboardStats v0.10.5 generated an exception
java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null
at java.util.HashMap$EntrySet.forEach( ~[?:1.8.0_241]
at com.github.games647.scoreboardstats.scoreboard.bukkit.BukkitScoreboardManager.createTopListScoreboard( ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at ~[minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-2b93d83]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-2b93d83]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-2b93d83]
at [minecraft_server.jar:git-Bukkit-2b93d83]
at [?:1.8.0_241]
In reply to lilpeek_1:
Thanks for reporting. I'll look into it.
How to make a counter of dug blocks? Can someone help me?
In reply to Forge_User_96950062:
It needs to manually implemented by us. However, there not a problem to do it.
I like your plugin a lot but i have a problem. If i make a restart of the server, the plugin dont load anymore.
If i remove everythiing of the plugin start the server and close and reinstall erverything it work but only on the first start.
Can you help me ?
Plugins installed:
Thanks alot
In reply to Forge_User_67910066:
The plugin is only compatible with older Minecraft versions at the moment.
Hello this plugin is the best! but i need help, when i kill one time a player, on the scoreboard its shows me like i've killed for three times, how do i fix it
In reply to arrowmark99:
This means that there is an issue with another plugin. Please post your server setup next time.
Hi I wanted to know if there is anyway of getting the player name on the scoreboard? As I have a dynamic variable specific to a player set up in skript so I do %skript_variable.%player%% but the problem is there is no %player% variable in this plugin. I am sure I did it once very long time ago on my server but I can't remeber how I did it. Any ideas?
In reply to Forge_User_29346305:
Yes, because the variables always has to be replaced to integers (numbers).
In reply to mozacc:
So.. How do I do it? Do I need to make a script so every player gets unique number identifier? Anyways I can't do that. I need a way for the plugin to get the name or some kind of an id of a specific player. Same as if I would want their name to be displayed only on their scoreboard.
P.s. Anyways I made my own skript for a scoreboard and it works now as I wanted to.
Compatibility mode is bugged in 1.14.3, it just spam errors in the console.
Я установил плагин а теперь в табе невидно прфикса типо админ и тд
In reply to maratico:
This is an Englisch forum, please use Englisch. Sorry.
I installed the plugin, and now there are no prefixes in Taba. Tipo admin and others.
In reply to maratico:
Due to a limitation in Bukkit. It's not possible to use the scoreboard in multiple ways. You can enable compatibility mode to workaround this.