ScheduledAnnouncer is an inactive plugin, but there is an fork which is still active. Have a look at ScheduledAnnouncer 2.
Scheduled Announcer is a very simple tool, which only does what's its name told us. It automatically sends a broadcast out of a list controlled by a scheduled.
- Sends Scheduled Broadcast to all Players
- Easy to configure by 'config.yml' or ingame with the '/announce' command.
- Supports colors (&1, &2... &9, &a, &b... &f) and newlines with &n.
- Supports executing commands inside Announcements. (Like "Now it will get day!&n/time day")
- Supports newest Bukkit permissions system!
- Download the latest Release
- Upload it into your plugin/ directory
- Restart or reload your server
Or have a look at the Video Tutorial by BrandonHopkins
# # ScheduledAnnouncer Configuration File # ===================================== # # Don't use tabs in *.yml file! # announcement: # Use this flag to temporary disable the announcements. # enabled: false, means that there wouldn't be any announcements. enabled: true # Set this to true will announce in random order. # 'false' will announce in sequential (one after another) order. random: false # Defines the prefix for the announcement. Use & + hex char # for color codes. prefix: '&c[Announcement] ' # The time of one interval in seconds. interval: 100 # List of messages to announce. You could use color codes by # using & + hex chars too. &n will produce a new line. messages: - 'This is the first default announcement!' - 'Use /announce help to get info how to config this plugin.' - 'You can also configure this plugin with its config.yml too!'
/announce add <message>
Needed Permission: announcer.add
Adds a new announcement with the Message: <message>
/announce broadcast [<index>]
Needed Permissions: announcer.broadcast
Broadcast an existing announcement NOW.
/announce delete <index>
Needed Permissions: announcer.delete
Removes the announcement with the passed index.
/announce enable [true|false]
Needed Permissions: announcer.moderate
Enables or disables the announcer.
/announce interval <seconds>
Needed Permissions: announcer.moderate
Sets the seconds between the announcements.
Calling it without an interval to set will return the current interval.
/announce list
Needed Permissions: announcer.moderate
Lists all announcements.
/announce random [true|false]
Needed Permissions: announcer.moderate
Enables or disables the random announcing mode.
Only calling /announce random without true or false, will return current mode.
/announce reload
Needed Permissions: announcer.admin Reloads the config.yml.
Only people with the permissions announcer.receiver will receive announcements, but everybody owns the permissions per default.
An update would be appreciated. Thanks.
Thank you :D
Also, update for 1.2.3 soon :P
Looking into the ZavAutoMessager also, thank you for the tip.
Thanks for that :D Changing to that aswell!
please update for 1.2
Now using ZavAutoMessager, it does the same thing, and is updated better.
PLEASE update! I need this plugin its a very integral part of my server! I miss it ahhhhhhhh......
Please update to 1.2.2R0SNAPSHOT(2003)
2012-03-01 18:49:13 [SEVERE] Error occurred (in the plugin loader) while enabling ScheduledAnnouncer v1.8.1 (Is it up to date?)
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
:( Doesnt work on R6 or above (I'm actually using 1.2.2 but plugins compatible to 1.6 work just fine on the 1.2.2 builds)
@XeonG8 What is the second one called?
I would like to know.
I my opinion Scheduled Announcer is the only one with ingame commands which make it awesome.
Its like another plugin I saw on here, only this allows using color codes in chat which means I it prefere it already, however the other one allows more conrol on when messages get displayed, some can be more than others, and have a variation on that time aswel...
any thoughts on adding those things?
Make correct tickets with steps to reproduce the error. That might get the problems fixed.
Well, can't talk for bobeeb, but it's working for me, the exception sometimes shows up in the console, but the plugin itself is working.
Same problem, is not working.
Same on 1848
since 1.8 sometimes there is an exception craftbukkt 1938
Hm.. now i can't use umlauts anymore with 1.8 :( Was happy to find something where i could write with ä ö ü, since i'm running a german server
Thanks a ton for this awesome plugin!
Sorry, I only clicked the wrong button. But I am including some other new features at the moment.