SayWhat 0_3_R1


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    May 18, 2013
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    22.64 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.5.1-R0.2


SayWhat 0_3_R1

  • First release of swm private message command
  • Fixed a bug where the InMyHand token expander crashed when a player had nothing in their hand
  • Fixed a bug where the TokenExpanders would call every TokenExpander, even those tokens not in a message*
  • Change of licence to GPL v3

SayWhat 0_1_R3

Added support for variables

Variables let you put server and player information into abbreviations. For example, using the "swr" command to record: "swr help I need help! At %%myloc!" can use the "sw help" command to playback "I need help! At x:-135, z:252, y:68".

Put one of these variables in a SayWhat abbreviation and it'll get replaced with corresponding player or server information. All variable names begin with '%%' and they are case sensitive.

Player variables

  • %%inmyhand - replaced with the name of whatever item you're holding.
  • %%myloc - replaced with your current location

Server variables

  • %%motd - replaced with the server's message of the day
  • %%servername - replaced with the server's name

Bug fixes

  • swr - Fixed record confirmation message. Now reports "Created/Replaced 'abbreviation'" instead of "abbreviation 'Created/Replaced'"
  • sw - Fixed dection of invalid number of parameters. now checks for exactly 1 instead of less than 1

SayWhat 0_1_R2


  • sw [abbreviation] - Plays back a stored abbreviation.
  • swl - Lists all stored abbreviations.
  • swl [abbreviation] - Lists a stored abbreviation and its message.
  • swr [abbreviation] [message sent in place of abbreviation] - Stores an abbreviation and corresponding message.
  • swdel [abbreviation] - Deletes a stored abbreviation.
  • swload - Reloads previously saved messages from config.yml. Useful if edits/deletions have gone bad.
  • swsave - Saves all messages to config.yml. Save is called automatically on plugin reload or server shutdown. You can also save edits using this command.

Permissions nodes:

  • saywhat.sw - Can playback stored abbreviations
  • saywhat.swl - Can list stored abbreviations
  • saywhat.swr - Can record new abbreviations
  • saywhat.swdel - Can delete stored abbreviations
  • saywhat.swload - Can reload abbreviations from config.yml
  • saywhat.swsave - Can save abbreviations to config.yml

SayWhat 0_1_R3

%%inmyhand does not read item metadata


Please post any bugs you find or suggestions you have. Thanks!