Default Configuration (v1.13.1)

# Plugin configuration file for SavageDeathCompass v1.13.1

# Localization language
language: en-US

# enabled worlds list
# if this list is empty, all worlds will be added to the enabled worlds list
# otherwise, only listed worlds will be added to the enabled worlds list

# - enabled_world1
# - enabled_world2

# disabled worlds list
# these worlds will be removed from the enabled worlds list created by the previous setting

- disabled_world1
- disabled_world2

# Destroy compass when dropped by player
destroy-on-drop: true

# Prevent placing death compass in chests or other containers
prevent-storage: true

# delay setting compass target after respawn (in ticks; 20 ticks = 1 second)
target-delay: 20

# play sound effects
sound-effects: true