Safe Creeper
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UploadedJun 11, 2013
Size243.52 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.5.2-R0.1
IMPORTANT NOTE: SafeCreeper 1.5 requires Bukkit-1.5.2-R0.1 or higher!
Version (11-06-2013)
- Fixed configuration issues
- Build against Bukkit-1.5.2-R0.2.
Version 1.5 (09-06-2013)
- Added Safe Creeper API!
- Added some new nodes to the config file to control permissions system and API usage.
- Added amount of rebuilt blocks to be captured by the statics system in Safe Creeper.
- Enchanted security with plugin hooks.
- Fixed error showing when a projectile was shot from a dispencer.
- Fixed debug messages showing up when an entity is being revived.
- Fixed errors caused by other entities.
- Fixed other little bugs.
- Build against Bukkit-1.5.2-R0.2.
Version 1.4.2 (04-05-2013)
- Added the TNTMinecartControl to control the TNT Minecarts.
- Enchanted the hooks Safe Creeper makes with other plugins for better support.
- Enchanted reviving support.
- Fixed some configuratoin values reverting while updating Safe Creeper.
- Build against Bukkit-1.5.1-R0.2.
Version 1.4.1 (12-04-2013)
- Fixed errors caused by the MobArena hook.
- Build against Bukkit-1.5.1-R0.2.
Version 1.4 (11-04-2013)
- Added 'Explosion/Destruction Repair' feature to all the explosion and fire related controls, to make blown up and burnt down blocks repair after a while!
- Added the WeatherControl to manage weather in worlds.
- Added the WorldControl to manage global world features.
- Added the BedControl to manage beds usage.
- Added 'CustomExplosion' features to the WitherSkullControl and the FireballControl.
- Added feature to make PigZombies spawn as baby.
- Added feature to make wolves angry when spawned.
- Added feature to make wolves sit when they spawn.
- Added feature to give wolves random collar colors.
- Added '/sc tasks' command to list all running Safe Creeper scheduled tasks.
- Added 'CanSneak' and 'CanSprint' features to the PlayerControl.
- Added feature to manage all scheduled tasks from the config file.
- Added Corruption support.
- Added WorldGuard support.
- Enchanged Metrics/MCStats usage.
- Enchanted MobArena hook.
- Enchanted PVPArena hook.
- Enchanted Factions hook.
- Removed LikeABoss support (replaced with Corruption support).
- Build against Bukkit-1.5.1-R0.2.
Version (03-03-2013)
- Added connection timeout to the live statistics system preventing the server from lagging if the statistics servers are down.
- Build against Bukkit-1.4.7-R1.0
Version (10-02-2013)
- Fixed the update checker not being disabled when set in the config file.
- Build against Bukkit-1.4.7-R1.0
Version (10-02-2013)
- Added ability to give players custom amount of health.
- Added ability to disable live statistics (provided by
- Added temporary placeholder message to the '/sc butcher' command.
- Changed health usage of players and living entities to make it more relyable.
- Fixed error on first start up.
- Build against Bukkit-1.4.7-R1.0
Version (09-02-2013)
- Updated Factions hook.
- Updated MobArena hook.
- Updated PVPArena hook.
- Updated the Likeaboss hook.
- Fixed Safe Creeper crashing on server startup caused by PVPArena API.
- Fixed error occuring while checking for updates.
- Build against Bukkit-1.4.7-R1.0
Version (09-02-2013)
- Splitted SkeletonControl into SkeletonControl and WitherSkeletonControl.
- Build against Bukkit-1.4.7-R1.0.
Version (09-02-2013)
- Added feature to make PigZombies spawn as baby.
- Added feature to make wolves angry when spawned.
- Added feature to make wolves sit when they spawn.
- Added feature to give wolves random collar colors.
- Build against Bukkit-1.4.7-R1.0.
Version (04-02-2013)
- Fixed '/sc installupdates' command not working properly.
- Build against Bukkit-1.4.7-R0.1.
Version (04-02-2013)
- Added filter that blocks file updates from downloading from other hosts than (Required cause of Bukkit rule).
- Fixed issue in the auto updater.
- Build against Bukkit-1.4.7-R0.1.
Version (31-01-2013)
- Added 'CustomSpawnSize' to the Slime and the MagmaCube control (you can make slimes 256 blocks big for example).
- Fixed MagmaCubeControl not working properly.
- Updated LikeABoss usage methods.
Version 1.3.6 (31-01-2013)
- Added auto updater, to automaticly install new updates!
- Added new, more stable, update checking system.
- Added ability to 'Spawning.ZombieType' to make giants spawn in the ZombieControl.
- Added 'CanCreateSnow' to the SnowmanControl to disable the Snowman from creating snowlayers.
- Added feature to make mobs drop skulls inside 'CustomDrops.Skulls', players can drop their own head too. (Available for CreeperControl)
- Added 'AlwaysAngry' to the PigZombie control
- Added auto updater settings to config file to disable auto updates, notifications or update checks.
- PlayerControl, SkeletonControl and ZombieControl)
- Updated LikeABoss usage methods.
- Changed default values for 'CanPickupItems' to false for most mob controls.
- Fixed world config files not converting properly.
- Fixed live statics returning wrong values.
- Fixed issue in the config core which caused equipment don't work properly.
- Fixed withers breaking stuff when they are stuck when DestroyWorld was disabled.
- Fixed live statistics causing the server to crash.
- Fixed flying blocks from spawning when destroy world was set to false.
- Fixed errors caused by unknown mob types.
- Build against Bukkit-1.4.7-R0.1
Version (24-12-2012)
- Fixed explosion sounds being too loud.
- Fixed server crashes caused by the 'ExplosionSound' feature in some explosive controls.
Version (24-12-2012)
- Added 'Despawning' feature to every mob control and the player control.
- Added 'CustomDrops' to every mob control and the player control to manage items and XP drops.
- Added 'Spawning.SkeletonType' to the SkeletonControl to set the Wither skeleton spawning chance.
- Added 'Spawning.ZombieType' to the ZombieControl set the Villager zombie spawning chance.
- Removed 'KeepXPOnDeath' from the player control, 'CustomDrops.KeepXP' and 'CustomDrops.KeepXPLevel' replaces this feature.
- Removed 'DropXPOnDeath' from the player control, 'CustomDrops.DropXP' replaces this feature.
- Removed 'DropItemOnDeath' from the Enderman control, 'CustomDrops.DropItemOnDeath' replaces this feature.
- Fixed some settings not working properly when a world file is available.
- Fixed error showing up when 'DestroyWorld' for creepers is disabled.
- Fixed error spamming caused by some settings in the config files.
- Fixed 'OtherExplosions' control not being called for unknown explosions.
Version 1.3.5 (22-12-2012)
- Updated for Bukkit 1.4.6-R0.1
Version (22-12-2012)
- Fixed the 'WitherControl' not working properly.
- Updated for Bukkit 1.4.5-R1.0
Version 1.3.4 (22-12-2012)
- Added 'CustomEquipment' feature to set advanced mob equipment.
- Added 'SpawnAsBaby' which a custom chance to supported controls. (Chicken, Cow, Mushroom, Ocelot, Pig, SHeep, Villager, Wolf, Zombie, ZombiePigman)
- Added custom age feature to supported controls. (Chicken, Cow, Mushroom, Ocelot, Pig, Sheep, Villager, Wolf)
- Added 'CanPickupItems' in every mob- and the player control.
- Updated the global config file, added Reviver options in the Reviver feature inside every mob control.
- Updated the message shown when a new version is available for download.
- Changed Enabled inside the reviving feature to be false by default.
- Fixed error caused when TVNLib isn't installed on Safe Creeper startup.
- Updated for Bukkit 1.4.5-R1.0
Version 1.3.3 (11-12-2012)
- Added OtherControl witch is called for unknown entities and actions.
- Added 'FlyingBlocks' to some controls to set if explosions will make blocks flying away when they explode, this make the explosions look way cooler!
- Added 'CustomExplosionStrenth' to the EnderDragonControl, FireballControl, the WitherControl, the WitherSkullCnotrol, the OtherMobControl and the OtherExplosionsControl.
- Added 'Reviving' to every creature control, to setup if creatures could revive when they die
- Added feature to let a creature revive a died creature, this needs to have the add-on TVNLib installed.
- Added 'SpawningPotionEffects' to every creature control, to give the mob potion effects when it spawns
- Added 'CanTrade' to the VillagerControl
- Added a new trigger called 'Revived' witch is called when a mob got revived
- Added TVNLib usage, to get the ability to provide more features in Safe Creeper
- Added 'autoDownloadTVNLib' to the config file witch will be come ative when this feature is implemented in one of the upcomming versions of Safe Creeper.
- Added first functions to the Safe Creeper API! (for developers)
- Blaze fireballs could now also be controlled using the FireballControl
- Improved the Safe Creeper preformance for faster handling
- Improved the Safe Creeper coding (for developers)
- Updated to Bukkit-1.4.5-R0.3
- Fixed losing the effects and locations from the config files while updating them
- Fixed TNT not acting normal when the TNTControl is disabled
- Fixed 'CanSleep' from the PlayerControl beeing inverted
- Fixed 'PlayerDeathEvent' when an entity dies from unknown causes
- Fixed errors caused by enderman and newer bukkit versions
- Fixed errors caused by blazes shooting fireballs
- Fixed a lot of other minor bugs
Version 1.3.2 (28-11-2012)
- Re-Fixed the errors caused by entities died by unknown causes!
Version 1.3.1 (27-11-2012)
- Fixed 'FoodMeter' feature in the PlayerControl inverting while updating the file.
- Fixed error when a entity dies from unknown causes.
- Turned the 'PrimedTNTLimit' off by default in the TNTControl.
Version 1.3 (27-11-2012)
- Rewrote config file core, to make it faster, better, more relyable and to get the ability to add even more features.
- Added a file updater system, to automaticly update all the config files when a newer version of Safe Creeper is installed!
- Added a 'Locations' feature to every control, this gives you the ability to apply some control settings only in a certain area!
- Added a 'Effects' feature to most controls to emit effects or play sounds when a trigger is triggered, for example on mob spawning, or on mob damaging!
- Added compatability with the Likeaboss plugin.
- Added an IronGolem control
- Added a FireCharge control
- Added 'CustomHealth' to all creature controls to give creatures custom health.
- Added 'PrimedTNTLimit' to the TNTControl. This gives you the ability to setup a maximum of primed TNT in a world or a certain area to prevent players from causing a server crash using TNT.
- Added 'ExplodeOnDeath' to the CreeperControl to make creepers explode when they die.
- Added 'TNTPriming' to the TNTControl to set how TNT could be primed.
- Added 'CanEatGrass' to the SheepControl to set if sheeps can eat grass.
- Added 'CanBeDyed' to the SheepControl to set if sheeps can be dyed
- Added 'DropItemOnDeath' to the EndermanControl, to make enderman dropping the item from their hands.
- Added 'CanSpawnByBreeding' to creature controls
- Added 'CanSpawnWhenBuild' to the Wither, IronGolem and Snowman control
- Added 'CanSpawnCustom' to creature controls (custom are mobs spawned by other plugins)
- Added 'CanSpawnFromEgg' to the Chicken control
- Added 'CanSpawnAsJockey' to the Skeleton control
- Added 'CanSpawnFromLightning' to the ZombiePigman control
- Added 'CanSpawnFromSlimeSplit' to the Slime and Magma Cube control
- Added 'CanSpawnFromLightning ' to the PigZombie control
- Added 'CanSpawnForVillageDefence' to the IronGolem control
- Added 'CanSpawnForVillageInvasion' to the Zombie control
- Added 'AlwaysPowered' to the Creeper control
- Added 'CanDrown' to all creature controls
- Updated the Permissions core.
- Changed 'LockFoodmeter' from the player control to 'FoodMeter.CanIncrease' and 'FoodMeter.CanDecrease'
- Removed the 'EnableBetweenLevels' option from every control, the 'Locations' feature is a replacement
- Fixed WitherSkullControl not working properly
- Fixed enderman settings not working properly
- Fixed explotions destroying blocks from outside in a DestroyWorld=true area
- Saving and Loading durations will now be shown
- Cleaned up some listeners in Safe Creeper, to make the plugin faster and easier to understand (for developers)
- Updated Bukkit API to 1.4.2-R0.2
- Fixed some minor bugs
Version 1.2 (30-10-2012)
- Added the WitherControl to get the ability to control them
- Added the WitherSkullControl to get the ability to control them
- Added the WitchControl to get the ability to control them
- Added the BatControl to get the ability to control them
- Combined Skeletons and Wither Skeletons with each other into SkeletonControl
- Added option to FireballControl to set if they can damage players
- Safe Creeper now supports all major permissions systems (bPermissions, zPermissions and Vault have been added, the others are improved and updated)
- Using a newer Bukkit API
- Metrics should now save a few more statistics
- The Safe Creeper java packages have been renamed to a lowercase name
- Fixed some minor bugs
Version 1.1.3 (18-10-2012)
- Lag causing bug fixed
Version 1.1.2 (14-10-2012)
- Safe Creeper now uses Matrics to see better usage statics online
- Bug with generating defualt files fixed!
- Bukkit API updated
- PermissionsEx API updated
- Essentials Group Manager API updated
- Some minor bug fixes
Version 1.1.1 (11-9-2012)
- Plugin optimized for CraftBukkit 1.3.1-R2.0
- Improved the update checker
- Permissions Ex API updated, now supports Permissions Ex 1.19.3
- Bukkit API Updated to 1.3.1-R2.0
- Fixed some other little bugs
Version 1.1 (4-5-2012)
- Added an update checker which checks for new updates
- Added command to check updates (/sc checkupdates)
- Added commands to get and set values from the global and the world config files. (/sc config)
- Added permission nodes for the checkupdates command (safecreeper.command.checkupdates)
- Added permission node for the config commands (safecreeper.command.config.get & safecreeper.command.config.set)
- Added node to enable or disable the bypass permissions.
- Safe Creeper auto generates it's files when they doesn't exist.
- The Safe Creeper directory name has been renamed to 'SafeCreeper' without a space.
- Fixed the inverted 'CanBeTamed' node for Wolves and Ocelots.
- Fixed the inverted 'CanSleep' node for Players.
- Fixed problems that Safe Creeper overwrites features from other plugins which could cause a lot of problems.
- The example files have been renamed.
Version 1.0.1 (18-4-2012)
- Fixed config files with old levels system
For older changelogs, please checkout my website: