Safe Creeper 1.2
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UploadedOct 29, 2012
Size63.84 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.2-R0.1
Version 1.2 (30-10-2012)
- Added the WitherControl to get the ability to control them
- Added the WitherSkullControl to get the ability to control them
- Added the WitchControl to get the ability to control them
- Added the BatControl to get the ability to control them
- Combined Skeletons and Wither Skeletons with each other into SkeletonControl
- Added option to FireballControl to set if they can damage players
- Safe Creeper now supports all major permissions systems (bPermissions, zPermissions and Vault have been added, the others are improved and updated)
- Using a newer Bukkit API
- Metrics should now save a few more statistics
- The Safe Creeper java packages have been renamed to a lowercase name
- Fixed some minor bugs
Version 1.1.3 (18-10-2012)
- Lag causing bug fixed
Version 1.1.2 (14-10-2012)
- Safe Creeper now uses Matrics to see better usage statics online
- Bug with generating defualt files fixed!
- Bukkit API updated
- PermissionsEx API updated
- Essentials Group Manager API updated
- Some minor bug fixes
Version 1.1.1 (11-9-2012)
- Plugin optimized for CraftBukkit 1.3.1-R2.0
- Improved the update checker
- Permissions Ex API updated, now supports Permissions Ex 1.19.3
- Bukkit API Updated to 1.3.1-R2.0
- Fixed some other little bugs
Version 1.1 (4-5-2012)
- Added an update checker which checks for new updates
- Added command to check updates (/sc checkupdates)
- Added commands to get and set values from the global and the world config files. (/sc config)
- Added permission nodes for the checkupdates command (safecreeper.command.checkupdates)
- Added permission node for the config commands (safecreeper.command.config.get & safecreeper.command.config.set)
- Added node to enable or disable the bypass permissions.
- Safe Creeper auto generates it's files when they doesn't exist.
- The Safe Creeper directory name has been renamed to 'SafeCreeper' without a space.
- Fixed the inverted 'CanBeTamed' node for Wolves and Ocelots.
- Fixed the inverted 'CanSleep' node for Players.
- Fixed problems that Safe Creeper overwrites features from other plugins which could cause a lot of problems.
- The example files have been renamed.
Version 1.0.1 (18-4-2012)
- Fixed config files with old levels system
For older changelogs, please checkout my website: